Madness - The Decade

The Decade

The Eighties were a time of style and elegance. They spawned Yuppies and made the seventies come down to earth. 'The Young Ones' was a big comedy show in the Eighties which gave breaks to some of Britain's great comedians like Hale and Pace, Ben Elton, Rik Mayll and Alexsei Sayle.

The Young Ones

Madness made two appearances in total on 'The Young Ones'. Their first appearence was during the first series when they played 'House Of Fun' at the young ones local pub and the young ones got to the pub just in time to miss the performance. The second apperance saw the young ones provoke a street riot in which Madness stood in the middle of the street singing 'Our House' until they themselves were attacked. Here is a description of their appearence:

Woody sat playing a set of balsa wood drums whilst both Mike and Lee played real instruments (A piano and a sax), however Suggs had learnt to play the balsa wood guitar so that he could make a three peice guitar group at the front with Bedders and Chrissy Boy and Carl was no-where to be seen.

As the fight spills over into Madness' area the newly formed Suggs/Chrissy Boy/Bedders three peice split up by smashing their lovely balsa wood guitars over each other.

Mike pushes the piano over and Woody gets pushed into his balsa wood drums (Surprise Surprise!) whilst Suggs, Chris and Bedders are knocking the brown stuff out of everything and everyone including themselves. With serious pain being inflicted Suggs gets attacked by some bloke and Woody lays in amongst his balsa drum wreckage.

Lee is now not very happy because he hasn't even so much as spilt any ones pint yet and so to cure his yearning for violence hits the camera with his sax.


In the Eighties Madness were very popular in Japan as is seems are every British band. Madness were in a series of Honda adverts here is just one of them. In this advert the song 'In The City' was used with alterations to the song words. Also used in other adverts was 'Driving In My Car' yet again with alterations to the words.

During the eighties Madness made countless appearences on Top of the Pops and other music related programs and some not so music related. For the moment this is all I could find out about Madness in the eighties.

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