June 9, 2007
Congratulations to Tom and Allison Drummond! According to Allison's Myspace, they're going to have a baby! :)
January 2, 2004
Wow, it's been so long. I guess this is more of an archive now. I still love BTE. I just haven't had time to update. I've also had a lot of personal stuff going on. I hope you understand. -Syd

July 29, 2001
Helloooooo! Finally updated the site...with some good stuff! As you probably know, Closer, the guys' new album, is being released August 7th. I got an advance copy, and I think it's really great. If you just can't wait, the complete lyrics can be found in The Listening Room and the album art is in The Darkroom.

Alrighty...I'm through rambling. :) Love it? Hate it? Tell me! You can also do me a favor...My poor little guestbook died. Please get it going again...Thanks! :) Till next time...

Get your old news in The Newsroom!

[The Darkroom] | [The Driveway] | [The Listening Room] | [The Guestroom] | [The Bathroom] | [The Library] | [The Bedrooms] | [The Newsroom] | [The Balcony] | [The Kitchen] | [The Doghouse] | [The Classroom] | [The Courtyard] | [The Back Door] | [Housekeeper's Quarters] | [Travis] | [Kevin] | [Tom] [The Bushes]| [Wipeout!]

If you want to know what the rooms are, it's really easy:
Darkroom=Pics, Driveway=Tour, Listening Room=Lyrics, Guestroom=Fan pics, Bathroom=Articles, Newsroom=Older news, Balcony=Horoscopes, Kitchen=Recipies, Doghouse=Pets, Classroom = Ezra 101, Housekeeper's Quarters=Stuff about me, Bushes=Soapbox, Wipeout=Road Safety...:) Now ya know...and knowing is half the battle... hahaha

If you have any suggestions, submissions, or comments, please address them to me at FragileSpiral@aol.com.

Sites Worth a Little of Your Time

The Official Site
BTE's Myspace Board of Ezra
Machina -- They freaking rock! Ferlen's way-cool BTE page

You are Ezralite number (???) to visit my little corner of the web. Thanks for stopping by!

***Last updated 06/09/07***

**NOTE: This page and the idea of the House of Ezra began the last week of May, 1997**

© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 FragileSpiral@aol.com

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