The Rocky Horror Picture Show
(Spring 1999)

WRITTEN BY: Richard O'Brien (with Jim Sharman for screenplay)
PERFORMED AT: Schultz Hall, SUNY Fredonia, NY / Amherst Theater, Buffalo, NY
PERFORMED ON: March 19 / April 9 (midnight)
DIRECTOR: Holly Olix (Rocky Club President)
SPONSORED BY: Rocky Horror Fan Club, SUNY College at Fredonia
LIVE CAST: (listed for Schultz and Amherst, respectively)
* DR. FRANK N. FURTER- Heather Burch / Sylvia, the club's original president (was to have been Carrie Paul)
* JANET WEISS- Carrie Paul / Carrie Paul (was to have been Jackie Bell)
* BRAD MAJORS- David Alan Scott Jr. / Andy Brumbaugh
* RIFF RAFF- Holly Olix / Kristy Hucul
* MAGENTA- Cindy Clark / Katie Booker
* COLUMBIA- Katie Booker / Heather Burch
* DR. EVERETT SCOTT- Kerry Ramsey / Cindy Clark
* ROCKY HORROR- Starr Hakes / David Alan Scott Jr.
* EDDIE- Kerry Ramsey / Cindy Clark
* CRIMINOLOGIST (NARRATOR)- Kristy Hucul / Amy Giacumo
* RALPH HAPSCHATT- Justin Toner (audience member) / audience member
* BETTY MUNROE- audience member / audience member
* TRANSYLVANIANS: the rest of the attending club members
* JANET WEISS- Susan Sarandon
* BRAD MAJORS- Barry Bostwick
* RIFF RAFF- Richard O'Brien
* MAGENTA- Patricia Quinn
* COLUMBIA- Nell Campbell (as Little Nell)
* DR. EVERETT SCOTT- Jonathan Adams
* ROCKY HORROR- Peter Hinwood
* EDDIE- Meat Loaf
* RALPH HAPSCHATT- Jeremy Newson
* BETTY MUNROE- Hilary Labow

PLOT: An engaged couple are trapped in a mansion by a mad transvestite scientist and his cohorts. A comic musical, mimed along to the 1975 movie version (which was based on Richard O' Brien's stage musical) as it plays on a big screen over the stage.

HISTORY: The Spring 1999 semester saw the planning of three performances. However, due to a steady decrease in members from the previous semester, the third show--to have been held in Igoe Hall at SUNY Fredonia--was cancelled. The planned cast for that show was (not counting last-minute changes that would have had to be made) this:

* DR. FRANK N. FURTER- David Alan Scott Jr.
* JANET WEISS- Kristy Hucul
* BRAD MAJORS- Heather Burch
* RIFF RAFF- Kerry Ranney
* MAGENTA- Carrie Paul
* COLUMBIA- Jackie Bell
* DR. EVERETT SCOTT- Katie Booker
* ROCKY HORROR- Cindy Clark
* EDDIE- Katie Booker
* RALPH HAPSCHATT- audience member
* BETTY MUNROE- audience member
* TRANSYLVANIANS: the rest of the attending club members

Anyway, despite two good performances that did happen, my second semester with the Rocky Horror club was all but smooth. People from the previous semester had left the group because they were too busy, too lazy, or too frustrated. The club was simply not as together as it seemed to be the previous semester, and for so many reasons.
One reason was that we only met as a club once a month, rather than twice--the only other times we saw each other were for rehearsals. The spirit had simply gone out of the club for the time being.
Surely, that spirit would come back within time. However, I was not going to await its return. Still reeling from the discomforts I had experienced with other Fredonia plays that year, I decided that my joy was no longer to be found on the stage...even with "Rocky Horror".
So, holding no truly hard feelings against anyone in the Rocky club, I silently left the group. As a result, the enjoyable Amherst performance I gave of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was not only the end of my stint with the club itself, but also a farewell to theater acting in general.
Though I joined an improvisational comedy group (which boasted several former Rocky members) one year later, I had given up acting in plays indefinitely.

* The March cast (March show)
* Starr, Katie, Heather, Carrie, and me (March show)
* Me as Rocky Horror, in floor show outfit (April show)
* Cindy & I as Dr. Scott & Rocky (April show)

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