"Ask not for whom the bell tolls...."

Directed by David Alan Scott Jr.

PLOT: Such art defies plot. 13 minutes in length.


* Adam Lindquist
* Amelia Harnas
* David Alan Scott Jr.
* Cindy Clark
* Adriana Harnas
* Kevin Hurley

GIRL WITH BELL - Adriana Harnas
MAN ON THE PHONE - David Alan Scott Jr.
WOMAN AT THE DOOR - Sharon Needles (Kevin Hurley)
MAN AT THE DOOR - Adam Lindquist
WOMAN WITH BELL - Amelia Harnas

* The Harnas family
* The Scott family
* Judy Garrett
* Chris Benton
* The city of Corning, NY

* "Jazz Thieves" by Depeche Mode
* "What's the New Mary Jane?" by the Beatles

c. 1999 DASJr Productions
All Rights Reversed

* Amelia's house (and front of neighbor's house), Corning, NY - March 30, 1999

DATES EDITED: December, 1999 (original master) & June 6-8, 2006


While visiting Corning during my second semester at SUNY Fredonia, Cindy and I ate at Friendly's, one afternoon, with Adam and Amelia. As we ate, Adam and Amelia came up with an idea for a silent art film that would involve things that ring. That night, we enlisted ourselves, Amelia's sister Adriana, and our friend Kevin to play characters in this surreal tribute to foreign gothic silent art films the world over. It was shot in one day, edited in two, and later incorporated into an episode of my Spring 2000 campus TV show ("My Show"), which was broadcast in April of that year.
Six years later, after noticing that my original VHS master had gone missing, I used the raw footage to make a new digital edit. Using a sub-par VHS dub of the original edit as a visual reference, I utilized the raw tapes to create an improved-quality shot-for-shot recreation of the now-lost VHS master. The end result (as well as all 70 minutes of raw footage) was almost released on DVD that year. The video capture card on my work computer, which transferred just fine from digital video, was transferring my analog (VHS) video at only 2/3 of its original brightness. Not wanting a darker, inferior version, I called off releasing the DVD until a better (and affordable) video capture method could be found.


"Making Things That Ring was a lot like writing the text for the back cover of the Things That Ring DVD. By which I mean that it was done hastily and with little or no preparation. The finished products are also quite similar in that both are dull, riddled with errrors, and do not come close to capturing the true essence of a group of childhood friends doing what they do best: goofing around and having the time of their lives. I for one will forever cherish the 70 minutes of raw footage on this disc, for it is the friendships and memories, not this ridiculously morose lambasting of film noir, for which my heart doth ring." - Adam W. Lindquist (from the DVD cover notes)

* Group photo, redesigned- by Kevin Hurley
* Another group photo- by Amelia's mom

LAST UPDATED: May 3, 2007

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