With 2,300 private colleges, 500 public universities, and over 300 boarding schools in the United States, finding the right school can seem like a daunting task.  Embarking on this process from Hong Kong might seem even more overwhelming.  But in fact, the process of finding the right college or boarding school can be an enlightening and exciting journey, a positive teenage right of passage.

Families seek the help of an educational consultant to guide the student and the parents through the process.  A consultant takes the time to really get to know the student in order to help him find the college that is best for him academically and socially.  A consultant is an expert source of information and offers an objective voice.  The consultant’s goal is to reduce anxiety and increase the student’s likelihood of success and happiness in school.  A student’s education is a significant financial commitment and it makes sense to invest in the decision from the beginning.

Pathfinder offers a personal, student-based approach to helping a student find the next step in her journey.
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