Dotto's Music Page

Warning: Browsing this site may cause serious music addiction. Surf with care!
Site updated on 2/18/04
       "You're Just Losing Your Fucking Mind" 

The purpose of this page is to trade music, it is not intended to make money or deny an artist the right to any money they should rightfully receive. I'm strictly interested in trading, not making money. So don't ask me to sell you something!

By e-mailing me you are acknowledging the following statement:

I affirm that I am not working for any television or movie production studio/network or affiliated organizations. I am not employed by, or am a member of a professional organization such as RIAA, ASCAP, or MPAA, or any other such group or association. I am not employed by the federal government, affiliated agency or any type of sub-contractor or independent agent. I am not a postal inspector. By e-mailing you I understand that these trades are collector to collector and any incidental costs that may be involved are not for product, but labor.

 Special note to people I have not traded with before:  Once we have worked out a trade, please send your CD's/tapes first. I -never- screw any traders.  I will send your CD's promptly.  Sorry to the mostly honest new traders out there... but I have a quality collection here, and don't want to be screwed. I hope you understand!

Hot Links

Below are the links to my two lists of CD's the first link is just the boots and the second link is my entire collection

Boots List

Entire Collection List

If you need artwork for any of these bands: Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Rush, Black Sabbath and various rock bands please check out the links listed below

   Led Zeppelin Artwork

Van Halen Artwork

   Rush Artwork

   Black Sabbath Artwork

Artwork Links For Various Bands

If any of these links are broken please notify me by e-mail.

If you have any links that provide artwork let me know by e-mail and if I think they are good I will post them on this page.



Please feel free to e-mail me if you would like to set up trade with me, and we'll work something out. I believe in fair trades with honest traders. Most people I've worked with so far have been great.

If you have comments or suggestions or to set a trade, email me at

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