Beautiful Rain

I'm an alien, you're an alien...

Welcome my friends to the very FIRST issue of Beautiful Rain, there will hopefully be many, many more issues to come. I would first like to thank all the people who contributed to this first issue and hope you continue to do so, this never could have gone out without you. This 'zine will be sent out every Saturday, day or night, I don't know. If you'd like to unsubscribe send me an e-mail with unsubscribe in the message. Well onto the issue...


We all know about Nigel's solo album, but it hasn't been released yet! The site that is putting it out has yet to be completed, I will get you the addy for that site as soon as possible.

The NEW album will be out in Febuary or March, there have been nineteen songs written and four of them are: Dead Meat, Prize Fighter, Space Travel and Disease of the Dancing Cats. -Screaming Daisies Bush 'Zine, Nigel has confirmed these titles.

Gavin and Puff Daddy are rumored to be collaborating on a song called 'Be Careful' for the movie 'I Still Know What You Did Last Summer'.


Studio Time

While some millinnialists are preparing for Armageddon, Bush intend to greet the year 2000 with an album "geared toward space travel," says frontman Gavin Rossdale. "But don't worry, it will be a smooth ride."

What he essentially means is that Bush's third studio effort will have more special effects than their last record, the Steve Albini-produced Razorblade Suitcase. "We plan to use sonic loops and lots of computer techniques," Rossdale says. "But I'm not trying to be Rakim. We're not throwing out our baby."

Bush have asked back Sixteen Stone producer Clive Langer, and are aiming to finish the 13-song record with him in September. But it won't be released until early 1999 because "it's such a fuck-off year," Rossdale says. And no, there aren't any love songs about the singer's girlfriend, No Doubt's Gwen Stefani. "But she did inspire one of my foolish protest songs," he says, mysteriously.

Bush also plan to have cult screamer Poly Styrene, of British punk band X-Ray Spex, sing vocals on one track, as well as several musicians over the age of 50, to get that "been-through-it vibe." (Rossdale swears he's serious) "My goal is to create an atmosphere and a world that's very personal," Rossdale says, "and I'd use a lemon tree if it helped me get it across."


Every week I will hold a contest for the prize of an exclusice wav file, a different one every week. This week's contest:
Question 1: What was Nigel's first "proper" guitar?

Question 2: Where did Robin get his first set of drums?

Question 3: What band did Dave play in prior to Bush?

Send the answers to me!


To be have an advertisment in here, send it to me. This will sort of be like the yellow pages.

Where It All Comes Down

The Bush Zone


The story this week is called 'Imagine', this will be the story for a while because it has so many chapters and I am going to start out with Chapter 1. wrote this story. I am featuring a chapter a week, I hope you like it!

Chapter One
Northern Ireland, Newcastle
I must be in heaven, yes thats it, I've finally made it to heaven and who knew it was going to be this beautiful! This beautiful lake, the dark blue in the middle that tappered off into a light blue as the waves came closer to the beach, and crashing along the rocks. And the walls of rock that towered over the sandy beach, the shapes that they show, I snapped yet another picture, loving the moment, the way the cool breeze slid through my long blond hair, how the warmth of the sun penetrated on my skin, I didn't want this moment to pass, not yet anyways. I could almost hear that song by Enya 'Sail Away' being played by the waves as they crashed against the sandy shore. I craned my neck up to the sky, frowning at the dark clouds that were swallowing my beautiful sunlight. "Please don't rain," I said to the sky, but it was too late, a drop of rain had already hit my forehead. I quickly got up on my feet, swinging my camera case around my shoulder. Why now! I thought to myself, why did it have to rain now! I have about 3 miles to walk until I got back to the cottage that I had rented. "Please, don't pour!" I said to the sky again. Just then rain started pounding harder on the ground. Why is it I'm always doing that? I covered my camera with my white shirt and ran down the road, hoping that whoever lived in the white cottage, would let me in from the rain. By the time I had reached the wooden door, my hair was wet on top and as for my shirt, well it was not as badly wet, just a little damp. I gently knocked on the door, shivering from the cool breeze. The door creaked open as I saw a man standing beside it. "I'm sorry to intrude," I began, my teeth chattering a bit from the cold, "but I was out taking pictures and it began to rain." "Come in," the lovely man said, in a deep, soft voice. I was grateful for his invite. "Would you like some tea?" he asked, an English accent quite visible in his voice. "Yes, thank you." He led me down a short hallway and into a large room, with large windows that streached from the top of the roof to almost the bottom of the floor. They were both covered by long white, transparent curtains, that almost touched the floor. A black, grand piano was placed in front of the two large windows, and a little angeled off from them. In front of the piano was a large white couch, with a glass table in front of it. To the right of the table was a fireplace, with a strange painting above it. A dog ran up to my feet, sniffing them and barking at me. "That's Winston," the man said, bending down and petting the dog on his head. "I'm Oceana Zlindra," I said, bending down and pretending to shake the dogs paw. The man laughed, looking at me with deep, brown eyes. "I'm Gavin Rossdale. Oceana, what a lovely name," he said, getting up, I did as well. "Thanks. My mother was always, ancient, so when I was born I became Oceana, who's name orignally belong to my great, great aunt," I said. Gavin smiled at me, I must say Gavin was quiet attractive, I couldn't help but stare. "How about that tea, eh?" he said, heading towards the direction of the kitchen. I didn't know what to do, either to follow him or stay in the large room, I decided to follow him. "What brings you to Ireland?" he asked me, as I seated myself on a chair. The kitchen was small for such a big cottage. The stove, refrigerator and sink were all cramped together, along with the small, wooden table. "I'm visiting for a month." "Visiting? Do you have family down here?" "Oh no, what I meant by visiting, is I'm taking pictures of the..." I trailed off. Gavin wouldn't understand what I was talking about, "Nevermind, too complicated," I said, laughing it off. I watched Gavin's expression on his face, which was a bit hard to read. "I'm down here to write music, me and Winston," Gavin said, looking down at his pooch. I raised my eyebrows and thought for a moment. Gavin Rossdale, how come that sounds so? "You're the singer for, Bush?" I said, hoping I got the band name right. "Yes! You're good, not that many people in Ireland know about us," Gavin said. "I love your music, from what I've heard, I'm not a huge fan," I said, smiling at him. He sat down next to me, placing two cups of tea on the table. I picked up my cup and sipped it. "Isn't your girlfriend Gwen Stefani?" I blurted out. God Oceana! Keep your mouth shut! I nervously watched Gavin, who almost winced when I asked. "Ehh, no, we broke up, more like she broke up," he said softly. "I'm sorry Gavin, I won't ask anymore personal questions, promise." I watched him look out the window, a long, distant look in his eyes. I followed his gaze and noticed that it had stopped raining. "Well, I'll get out of your way," I said, jumping up from my chair. Gavin looked up at me in a bit of confusion. "It stopped raining," I said, helping him out a little. "You don't have to go, I would enjoy your company," Gavin said, his voice sounded so truthful. I backed my way out of the kitchen and towards the front door, Winston following me, his tail wagging vigorously. "No, really, I should go. I don't want to over stay my welcome," I said, clutching onto the doorknob. Gavin stood in front of me, shaking his head back and forth. I opened the door, "Bye Gavin, its been nice meeting you," I said, starting off the long, pebble pathway. I turned once more and saw Gavin standing at the doorway, he waved to me. "Maybe one day we'll meet again," I said, then turned and walked down the rest of the path and onto the worn street, wiping my hands on my jeans, there were incredibly sweaty. It wasn't until I had walked the 3 miles, and gotten back to my cottage, that I had forgotten my camera case at Gavin's. I decided I would go back tomorrow and get it, I had no choice really, for it started to rain again.

That's it for this issue! I hope you liked it and come back next week! I know it was short but it will get to be better as it goes on.

Copyright 1998 Beautiful Rain
"Racism is a product of fear and ignorance, live and let live, remove fear."-Gavin