"Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts"


i) Hector Storms The Wall

See my chariot run to your ships I'll drive you back to the sea

You came her for gold the wall will not hold

This day was promised to me 

The gods are my shield lightning and javelins fly

Soon many will fall we are storming the wall

Stones fall snow from the sky

We will pay with our glory in the fire of battle

Zeus today is mine

Killing all in my way like sheep and like cattle

smashing skulls of all who defy

I spare not the hammer I spare not the sword

This day will ring with my name

None have to chase me let he who will face me

Kill me or die by the sword

ii) The Death Of Patroclus

Oh friend of mine, how to say goodbye

This was your time, but the armor you wore was mine 

I will not rest until Hector's blood is spilled

His bones will all be broken dragged across the field

This dear friend is how we'll say goodbye 

until we meet in the sky

iii) Funeral March

iv) Armor Of The Gods

v) Hector's Final Hour


Here inside the walls of Troy, the gods weigh my fate

From this bay do I abstain, to a memory of hate 

To pay for all the blood that spilled the many thousands i did kill 

No walls can contain the gods' almighty will

I hear the silent voices I cannot hide

The gods leave no choices so we all must die

Oh Achilles let thy arrows fly, into the wind, where eagles cross the sky

Today my mortal blood will mix with sand it was foretold 

I will die by thy hand into Hades my soul descend

vi) Death Hector's Reward


Cowards in the grip of fear, no valor to uphold

Cut into the earth, with honor long been sold

For all shall come to know me as they fall unto their knees

Zeus the Thunderer, control my destiny

When the cards of life were bealt my hand a ruthless fate

To avenge, and bringeth fury, Hector feel my hate

A bloodbath I was born to bring, by birth I'm an assassin

To cut the cord of life and death ties to earth unfasten

Blood and fire death and hate, your body I will desecrate

Dogs and vultures eat your flesh the Hall of Hades waits


Hector's blood lies on the battlefield his body's mangled wounds

The gods who once protected him are now his gods of doom,

Like a tower standing tall, steadfast in direction

I fall upon you bringing death, the gods give no protection


Coward in the grip of fear, no valor to uphold

Cut into the earth, with honor long been sold

For all shall come to know me, as they fall unto their knees 

Zeus the Thunderer, control my destiny

Blood and fire death and hate, your body I will desecrate

Dogs and vultures eat your flesh the Hall of Hades waits


vii) The Desecration Of Hector's Body

viii) The Glory Of Achilles

The oath of the gods, this day was fulfilled

In the heat of the battle, Hector was killed

See him Patroclus, down in the dust

Rejoice in his death my symbol of trust


A dozen highborn youths, have been killed

Cutting their throats their blood was all spilled

Their bodies set at the foot of your fire

With oxen, sheep and two of your hounds

Your funeral Pyre high off the ground

Hector's body dragged three times around

I will carry the torch to your funeral pyre

I will ask of the wind to send high your fire

Hector's blood will not be washed from my body

Until your body is burned

A prophecy spoken a promise fulfilled

More blood will be spilled, more will be killed.

"Metal Warriors (Brothers Of Metal Part One)"


Every one of us has heard the call 

Brothers of True Metal proud and standing tall 

We know the power within us has brought us to this hall

there's magic in the metal there's magic is us all

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall 

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers go on get out 

Leave the hall

Now the world must listen to our decree 

We don't turn down for anyone we do just what we please 

got to make it louder, all men play on ten 

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers I said 

Leave the hall

Now the world must listen to our decree 

We don't turn down for anyone we do just what we please

Got to make it louder, all men play on ten 

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend

There's metal in the air tonite, can you hear it call

If you ain't got the balls, to take it you can

Leave the hall

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall

"Ride The Dragon"


Demon's blood and dragon fire, falling on my wings

Racing to the battle in the sky 

Ancient gods are calling me I hear them when they sing 

Of all the heores who wait for me to die

Beneath the cloak of magic, I'll meet them in the air

I am invisible, I move without a sound

They look but cannot find me, they think that I'm not there 

With a spell I send them crashing to the ground

Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn 

Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm 

We must die to be reborn

I wear a sacred talisman, I make a secret sign

Now welcome me into this wicked wind 

On the journey of a shaman a dragon I must ride 

The gates of hell are open! Let me in!

Rule in hell or serve in heaven choose an altar or throne

All Commandments and the laws of man disown

Now eat the fruit of knowledge unto no one ye atone

Into the fire with your soul!

Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn 

Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm 

We must die to be reborn

Demon's blood and dragon fire, falling on my wings

Racing to the battle in the sky 

Ancient gods are calling me I hear them when they sing 

Of all the heores who wait for me to die

Beneath the cloak of magic, I'll meet them in the air

I am invisible, I move without a sound

They look but cannot find me, they think that I'm not there 

With a spell I send them crashing to the ground

Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn 

Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm 

We must die to be reborn

"Spirit Horse Of The Cherokee"


The trail of tears began for all the Cherokee

The white men came to trade & borrow but then they would not leave

Some of us were taken by boat, and died at sea

Those of us who lived were sold to slavery

We welcomed them as brothers knowing nothing of their greed 

Born hunters not the hunted as the white man hunts for me

We are descendants of the animals we live among the free

Our trail of tears would end one day at Wounded Knee.

Great Spirit, thunder birds fly, we are wild and free

To fight and die by the open sky, Spirit Horse ride for me

When we do the Ghost Dance, the buffalo will return

Paint ourselves for war, now blood and fire burn

Great Spirit makes us strong, take us to the sky

The Cherokee are brave, we are not afraid to die

Great Spirit, thunder birds fly, we are wild and free

To fight and die by the open sky, Spirit Horse ride for me

Red Cloud, Black Hawk, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Geronimo

Strong and brave warriors to the grave

There has been much killing there will be much more

The Medicine Man is dancing he's calling us to war,

Hatchets sing with pride let the white men die

Great Spirit, thunder birds fly, we are wild and free

To fight and die by the open sky, Spirit Horse ride for me



We have come from the ashes of the burning away

Pouring blood in the fire on the altar of pain

Led into temptation, now the black gods align

Here there is no salvation and your blood is my wine.

Here's a world that is waiting between the living and the dead 

Here the flesh and its pleasure are eternally wed

All is all for the taking for a life of a lie 

At the end of the breaking I'll be watching you die.

Crawl to the silence renounce and deny,

The stars and the numbers foretold of this time,

To the words and the wisdom too the promise of lies 

By their anger and fury the strong will survive.

"The Power Of Thy Sword" 

Lord of battle I pray on bended knee conquest by the rising sun 

I'll wait for thy command with flame and blood at hand 

glory and a broken sword.

I'm the master of the world I have no fear of man or beast 

Born inside the soul of the world

Riding hard breaking bone with steel and stone

Eternal might I was born to wield.

Let us drink to the battles we've lived and we've fought 

Celebrate the pain and havoc we have wrought 

Great heroes charge into the fight 

From the north to the south in the black of night

The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall 

Gods of war feel the power of my sword

Drink to the battles we've lived and we've fought 

Celebrate the pain and havoc we have wrought

Great heroes charge into the fight 

From the north to the south in the black of night

Fierce is my blade fierce is my hate born to die in battle 

I laugh at my fate 

Now pay in blood when your blood has been spilled 

You're never forgiven death is fulfilled !

The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall

Gods of war feel the power of my sword

The clash of honor calls 

I will stand when others fall

Open magic doors

The will know the power of my sword

There is blood in my hands there is blood in my eyes

With blood in my voice I scream as you die 

Thirsting for vengeance and mounds of the slain 

Shaking the forest onto the plain

Fierce is my blade fierce is my hate born to die in battle 

I laugh at my fate 

Now pay in blood when your blood has been spilled 

You're never forgiven death is fulfilled !

The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall

Gods of war feel the power of my sword

"The Demon's Whip"

Black candles slowly burning, white fangs and flashing eyes

Hell's wind and incantations summon living fire,

Darkest forces and your demon's black order, black king

The cult that serves the living, accept this offering

Black candles slowly burning, white fangs and flashing eyes

Hell's wind and incantations summon living fire,

As the seven steps await, hear the great bell toll

With a dead man's bones conjure, the enemy of the soul

From the misery and sadness, of the molten seas of hell

Mystic love and mystic symbols in evil dreams there dwell

Darkest forces and your demon's black order, black king

The cult that serves the living, accept this offering

A deadly drink, a meal of hearts, now sacrifice and die

In darkness and destruction, behold the evil eye

And the Demon's whip

Armies of the gods of hell ride across the astral plane

Bearing curses of destruction, sworn beyond the grave

Children of the darkness, all born but to deceive

By the ancient code of evil grant not one reprieve

In the place where evil dwells death can live when all life dies

Wage eternal war on heaven immortal hate below the sky

Your scripture and your sermons, are leaves born on the wind

To heal the unrepentant one needs a greater sin

Night winds, Oblivion see my dark desire

Come forth, appear he is living fire

Feel the Demon's whip

Armies of the gods of hell ride across the astral plane

Bearing curses of destruction, sworn beyond the grave

Children of the darkness, all born but to deceive

By the ancient code of evil grant not one reprieve

In the place where evil dwells death can live when all life dies

Wage eternal war on heaven immortal hate below the sky

Your scripture and your sermons, are leaves borne on the wind

To heal the unrepentant one needs a greater sin

Feel the Demon's whip

"Master Of The Wind"


In the silence of the darkness when all are fast asleep 

I live inside a dream calling to your spirit

As a sail calls the wind, hear the angels sing

Far beyond the sun across the western sky

Reach into the blackness find a silver line

In a voice I whisper a candle in the night

We'll carry all our dreams in a single dream of light

Close your eyes, look into the dream

Winds of change will winds of fortune bring

Fly away to a rainbow in the sky gold is at the end for each of us to find 

There the road begins where another one will end 

Here the four winds know who will break and who will bend

All to be the master of the wind

Falling stars now light my way 

My life was written on the wind 

Clouds above, clouds below 

High ascend the dream within

When the wind fills the sky the clouds will move aside 

And there will be the road to all our dreams

For any day that stings two better days it brings

Nothing is as bad as it seems

Close your eyes, look into the dream

Wins of change will winds of fortune bring

Fly away to a rainbow in the sky gold is at the end for each of us to find 

There the road begins where another one will end 

Here the four winds know who will break and who will bend

All to be the master of the wind