Recent information.

My hair color is: green

The shoes I wear all the time are: my orange cons or my bowling shoes

My favorite band of the moment is: Modest Mouse.

My favorite class to go to everyday is: Academic Decathalon. (for more than one reason...teehee)

The book I'm reading that's not required is:Living at Night by i forget the lady's name right now.

The person I'm pining away for is:I can't disclose that information right now due to the need to remain anonymous (ya never know who reads this stuff...).

The people I miss the most are:Ratboy *sob Rocio sob sob* & Eric (although i've recently seen them both...yay!).

My lame excuse for not going home every day: play rehearsal.

In my CD player right now is: Pedro the Lion Winners Never Quit.

In my tape deck right now is: this house music tape that Sasha gave to me cuz she didn't want it.

An mp3 I'm looking for is: Blur's You're So Great or any good techno music.

Thank you, come again.