WeLcOmE tO:


ThE bEsT nIcK cArTeR sItE

oN tHe WeB!!!



Hi, my name is Jess (A.K.A. Froglegs) and this is my website dedicated to the most talented, most awesome (let's not forget most gorgeous, most adorable, cutest, HOTTEST...) guy alive:


Nickolas Gene Carter.


This site is for all the fans of Nick, or of any of the BSB. Let me just say this and get it over with. **IF YOU ARE NOT A FAN OF THE BSB, LEAVE NOW!!!!** All of you who are dedicated fans, stay and come back as much as you'd like! C-ya!!


Updated: May 8.

I fixed the pic section. You can actually see them now.

updated: May 12.

Well, see for yourself:

Listen To My Station

Updated: May 31.

I added a quotes section and American tour dates.

Updated: June 4.

This is a place to vote for N sync or Backstreet Boys. BSB's winning, but not by much. We gotta help! Vote here:

N Sync or Backstreet Boys

(n sync and BSB luvrs, I did NOT name or create that page! Don't be mad at me!)

Also, please sign my guestbook!

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook


Updated: June 30.

Added a bunch of Nick's addys in the contacts section.


Updated: July 2.

Added lyrics to Millennium.


Updated: August 2.

Dude! I'd update more often, but I'm getting nothing to update! You guys gotta help me out, by sending me quotes, obsessed signs, facts, fan fictions, and links. I'll give you full credit somewhere near what you send me, be it above, below, or next to. And, I've added another obsessed sign. That and award requests seems to be all I'm getting from you guys, though. Help me out a little, 'kay? I'll handle stuff that's not interactive, and all of us handles stuff that is interactive. Thanx!! Oh yeah! I also added some more pics. I'm probably gonna start a second pics page soon, so it doesn't get too big.

Updated: August 4.

Okay, I added more quotes, facts, and another part of my page. I really think that if you are a really big fan of Britney Spears, even though she dissed or Backstreet Boys, you might not wanna read it. But hey, I'm not gonna tell you what to do. But don't complain about it to me, okay?


Updated: August 5.

Hey, I got the definite tour dates, and since mine were different, I changed 'em. I don't have the venues, you'll have to call Ticketmaster, or go to www.ticketmaster.com to find out, but only after the 14, when they go on sale. And, I heard the new BSB single, Larger Than Life's video is coming out the end of the month. Better watch for it!!


Last Updated: August 6.

I got the venues for the tour dates! I also added another quote and obsessed sign. I'm gonna stop updating those right away so I can add more than one at a time, so if yours isnt up right away, that's why.


Last Updated: August 14

Added a bunch of obsessed signs, and a fan fiction.




Hey, do ya think you can visit my other site? It's been up a lot longer, and could probably be better (hey, it's better than what I had there in 4th grade!). You don't have to like it, just do it to humor me.

Click here.


Sister Sites:

Nick Carter Millenium


PlEaSe ViSiT:


Nick's Bio


Fan Fiction


Contact Nick (or any BSB)

Are YOU An Obsessed Fan? (I sure am!)

Date Nick

Win my award

Merry Christmas Mr. Wajeski -- by Nick Carter

I Want It That Way

Awards I've Won



American Tour Dates

Free E-mail Address


News Story -- It doesn't really involve all the Backstreet Boys, but, it does.





If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, e-mail me. Or, you can use ICQ. My number is:


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