Your Personality : You crave romance and a storybook ending to every love interest you have. You dig poetry and mushy songs. You're not afraid to bat an eye to get that special someone's attention. Your passionate nature allows you to see the beauty in others around you. You don't take life too seriously, fun is number one! You're sensitive when it comes to the matters of the heart, but you're strong on not getting hurt, no one better push you around. Your friends would say you're courageous, chatty, and a solid sister!

Your Personality :You see the world through rose colored glasses. The glass is always half full & you're ready to take a big gulp of life! You love to surround yourself with beautiful things, from flowers to your new fave earrings. You can't stand two-faced people and won't tolerate talking behind people's backs. You have only true-blue buds. You however, tend to rush into guy relationships both feet forward and if they don't work out right away, you're out too! Your friends would say you're modest, clear-headed and always the sweety.

I wish upon *stars*!