The blues never stands still.
Like a language,
it is always changing and growing.
The music collected here
is proof of the vitality and diversity of a living music form.

I know that introduction sounded like a corny opening to the Late Night Rock show, but there's no doubt about it.
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enjoy your stay and be sure to come back.


This page, if you haven't already guessed, is dedicated to the most powerful form of self-expression known to mankind - the blues. I first got turned-on to the blues without even knowing it. As a kid, I grew up listening to The Rolling Stones, Muddy Watter, Robert Johnson. As I reached teen-hood, my friends started introducing me to bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Deep Purple. I was soaking this stuff up like crazy and loving every note. I didn't know why and I didn't care. I just loved the music and knew that certain songs moved me like I'd never experienced.

I started playing guitar and annoying the hell out of the neighbors as I hacked my way through my favorite albums (at this point, the cassette tape was all the rage). It was about this time that I started to become aware of the differing guitar styles. I still didn't know why, I just knew that I liked some more that others. That's when I started to listen to guys like Clapton, SRV and Jimi. These guys began to change my life. Not just my musical tastes, but my whole outlook on music, culture and art.
From that day on, things began to fall into place. The world began to make sense again and to this day, I've never looked at music the same way. The more I listened, the more I learned and before long, I could pick out the familiar chord patterns, key changes and melody lines everywhere I turned. The blues was everywhere! I began to find its roots in rock, jazz, heavy metal, counrty - everywhere! It still makes me laugh when I hear someone argue about the purity of their given musical 'brand'. There's a reason why the minor-pentatonic scale sounds good over just about anything!

So to make a long story longer, I decided to put up this web page. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to put here or when I'll do it or how often I'll change it. But if you're so inclined, drop by from time to time and see what's developing. I like to think of this site as a big open jam in the key of G - slow, loose, sloppy, unpredictable and with no end in sight. And if you've got a couple licks you'd like to throw in, drop me a line.

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This page was created by Thunderdib
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