Rainey's Hangout

All About Moi

Hiya everyone...this is RaInEy's Hangout. Let me tell you a little about myself! My name is Candace but my nickname is RaInEy. I'm a huge music fan and I love everything except country and classical (it's not really my cup of tea). I'm going to University of North Texas and I'm a Political Science major. That's all I have to say for now but as you go through the site you'll find out lots more, so come on in!!!

All About Rainey
Rainey's Favorite Things
Rainey's Hate List
Rainey's Favorite Groups
Rainey's Favorite Links

2002 RaininMyst@aol.com

Geocities SunsetStrip Ring

This Geocities Sunset Strip Ring site
is owned by RaininMyst@aol.com

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