This guy sees an advert in his local paper looking for a lion tamer at the local circus. So he decides to go along and see the ringmaster. The ringmaster tells him the job is straightforward and not to worry as the lions are all doped up. He says to the ringmaster "What if the dope wears off" "Well you just grab the whip...They hate the whip being cracked" "What if the dope is wearing off even more and the lion grabs the whip?" "Then grab the stool they hate getting the stool shoved in their face" "But what will happen if the dope finally wears off and the lion grabs the chair?" "Ah then the ultimate thing to do is grab some shit and rub it in the lions face, that will work no problem" "But What if there is no shit lying about?" "Don't worry about that when that lion grabs the chair you will find some".