Okay, so it's not incredebly original, but we don't care.  This is a caption section.

This is obviously not true, so don't even think of sending us hatemail.

AJ:: Wow, look at Brian sing...
Nick::  Maybe the teenys will think it's cute if I look confused when I sing...
Kevin::  Wait wait wait, hold on.  Brian what the hell are you doing?
Brian:: I dunno! hehe..oops!  I farted while singing!  hehehe
Howie::  Why do I put up with this?  Oh yeah, if I wasn't a BSB even less people would like me...

Brian:: I am NOT amused.
Nick:: hehe *snort* I'm touching AJ...hehe *snort*
AJ:: The lights!  The lights!  They are blinding me!  Ew..Nicks touching me.
Kevin::  Just one more photo..someone get me out of this hell hole.
Howie:: Just smile and act like they actually need you in this group.

Howie:: *really high voice* lalalalala
Brian::  My hair seems to be sticking straight up...someone get me a comb.
Nick:: Ouch!  That girl just grabbed my no no area!
Kevin::  Hair in my eyes, hair in my eyes!
AJ::  I seem to have aquired Kevins shag.  Someone get me some hair dye and gel.  (The day AJ went to the chemically processed side.  Welcome young one.  We have been waiting for you.)

Nick::  Whats that little girl?  You want to fuck me?  Ok, just bring your mom.
Howie::  Concentrate and try not to screw this one up Howard.
Brian::  I feel very very short.
AJ::  Down boy, we still have a number to do...i'll give ya a rub down in the dressing room ok?
Kevin::  Ho-hum...whats that sign say?  A Howie sign?  K, this is wrong..security?!  Go knock some sense into that kid...

Yo!  Gove me some more Bitch!

Dude...this is fucked up.  Take me home psycho!