These guys need help...and lots of it!

We're not ones  to judge...okay, maybe we  are...but these fashion statments are just plain wrong.

Nick...we  all know that you're not that take my words to heart...get a fashion consultant, and get one quickly, before i throw up all over your lovely...hat??? I have no idea what that thing is!

A.J....just say "NO" to bowler  hats...especially white ones!!

Brian hunny, you know I love you but goggles aren't exactly your best fashion accessory!

Kevin...I hate to break this to you..but body art went out a while ago!-Sarah
Hey Sarah, I resent that! I think he looks SO hot! -Alana

There are so many pictures of Howie where he look totally stupid, but I think this one takes the cake.

Howie...we will  pay you never ever to do that again...and for our stomachs sake..put  your f*&ckin shirt on!!!!  And keep it on!!!

Okay, ALL I have to say is, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, How can Sarah like him? -Alana

Wow! My name's Nick, and I'm a fag! Okay, sorry people but just look at him! LOOK at him! He himself just makes more insults then I could ever say myself.... -Alana

You know what? This picture pretty much speaks for itself... But I am still wondering why Sarah likes him...-Alana
K, these are just a couple examples of bad taste..give him a break! -Sarah

Revenge is sweet...okay, I know this isn't really a "fashion don't", but I couldn't resist...what the hell is with this picture!?

Surely this needs no comment...but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  I'm willing to bet this was a dare..or at least I'm hoping it was..for Alana's sake!
Okay, yeah that is just bad -Alana

This man has BAD taste in hats...-Sarah
Hey! I like his cowboy hats! And besides, he looks cute in this picture! -Alana

This guy is such a fag...-Alana
I wouldn't say "fag" Alana, i'd say...well I don't know what else i'd say i'd just say something else..but one does wonder what the hell he was thinking...-Sarah

Oh my god, this picture is just wrong in So many ways! -Alana
I sure am glad that they got over dressing alike a long while ago! -Sarah

They look like they are working as waiters on a cruise ship...haha -Alana
But they look so cute! (scary...but cute) what were they like 14 or something?!-Sarah

This was AJ on Halloween, 1999.....It's okay AJ, I still love you! -Alana
Excuses excuses...-Sarah

Been on vacation to England lately A.J.?? -Sarah
Wow, he looks kinda... nevermind. -Alana

He may look strange, and barbaric, but is it wrong that I really like this picture?!-Sarah
Wow, had a shower in recent memory? -Alana

*gasp* can't....breathe.....laughing.....too....hard.....*passes out, comes to, sees picture again, and laughs harder* -Sarah
Okay, tight pants+geeky outfit+on Howie= me dying from laughter... -Alana

Alana!!! Star!!!! Look!!! It's the scary jungle man!!! *Sarah screams* Brush your hair jungle boy!!-Sarah
Wow, Nick, you da man!!!!! (You better have sensed that sarcasm...) -Alana

Click Here for More fashion donts!!!