
Ok, so here is where I (Sarah) usually rant and rave about crap, so listen up, but if you're afraid of opinions get the fuck out!  If you're not, then you're cool...read on.

April.11.2000-  Today I am in a very very very very very bad mood.  Not only am I sick as a dog with some nasty ass cold, but there are workmen in my house banging and making absurd amounts of noise and giving me a killer headache, and it is a very sad day in Backstreet Boys fan fiction land.  Personally I am offended by the "what would they think" campaign and think it's a load of bull, but thats beside the point.  Adina, the webmistress from 69 Backstreet, my very favorite website not only because she is really cool, has a great website about AJ and Johnny, but because she has beyond excellent fan fictions.  Today I go into the site to see if anythings been updated, and the fanfics are all gone.  I'm not gonna explain why because you can go read it yourself but I think it's very sad that she was forced to do this by pressure from her family and from others.  Adina, if you read this, I'm sorry, but I support you in your decision.

March.4.2000-  Where to start, where to start.  Okay, I spent 7 bloody hours in ER yesterday cuz of suspected apendicits which turned out to be nothing.  I hate the system!  I was only had to wait 3 hours till they had a bed for me, 1 hour to see the doctor, then have various tests and x-rays, then wait another 2 hours to see the doctor only to tell me i'm fine!  I mean, if it was apendicitis then my apendix could have burst and I would have been dead before I hit a bed!  This is not sane alright?  People need to give money to hospitals so they can do their jobs properly.  I'm not saying that just because I was so bored and bitchy by the end of it I wanted to scratch someones eyes out, but because of people with real medical emergencys that may not seem dire, but are seriously life-threatening.  I feel so bad for them!  If I could do something I would, but unfortunately, I can't.
  I really want to learn HTML.  But it's pissing me off cuz I just can;t concentrate on these boring books i'm reading.  If anyone reading this has any suggestions for a good html book, e-mail me please!!  I'm desperate and will be very very happy for a reference!
  People need to learn how to fucking walk!  I swear, one of these days i'm going to see how they like being cut off, body slammed, and tripped.  I was just walking aimlessly through chapters today, minding my own buisness, not getting in anybodys way when all of a sudden, this rather large lady slams right into me!  I wasn't getting in her way, the isle was almost empty, she just charges right into me, with kid in tow without even apologizing for bowling me over!  I could have flipped out, but my mother was in earshot, so I kept quiet.  *sad look*
It's happened alot, getting hit by passing people, and i'm going to scream at someone of these days.  Next person who does it, they get a verbal whopping from me.  And those people that walk really.....really.....slowly....and,.....don't....speed....up...but stop.....right...where you...have to speed up...and make sure they twist and swerve, so you can't overtake them.  People should have to take mandatory walking classes.  Me?  I'd be the teacher for aggressive walking, and not only president, but a client, of Sidewalk ragers anonymous. hehe...
  If you come to this page.  SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!  Our counter keeps going up, but noone is writing us!  Please send us feedback, we're seriously very nice.  (most of the time)

Feb.9.2000-Okay, so I haven't updated this section in a while, but hey, we've all been busy writing stuff for our fan fiction site...shameless self promotion, but go to it here. Anyways, i've got a couple new things that are pissing me off right now. 
  Why the hell do I (and alot of other people) always get sick on a long weekend?  I got this cold last thursday, and I spent most of my weekend sniffing and snuffling like a disgusting creature, and i'm JUST gettiing over it!  Grrrrr.....
  Why is it that guestbooks only have space for 1 webpage?  I mean, personally, I have 3 pages!  (only 2 of which I actually work on...*guilty look*)  I, just like everyone (everyone cool, that signs guestbooks...*hint hint*) else out there sign my name, and leave my e-mail, and url!  Well I want to be able to leave both my urls!  Stupid guestbook companys...someone should tell them about this cuz it's just stupid to only have room for one address! 
  People that sign guestbooks, and write e-mails as though the webmasters are ACTUALLY the Backstreet Boys.  Come'on people, get a brain!  You actually think the guys have enough time and boredom to create a little home on the web of their very own?  You think they link up to every phone jack they can get to between photo shoots, concerts, press conferences, fan conferences, meet and greet sessions, screaming fans, traveling.  Yeah, riiiight...you beleive that if you like, but don't go telling us you love us and our music is really great and we should write to you, cuz WE AREN'T THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!  I admit, this had only happened to us twice, the rest of our mail is hate mail, of people telling us they love us! =)  (by the way thanx to y'all, we luv ya too!  It really cancels out the crappyness of the hate mail)  But when I go around the web...I do that alot...I admit it, I have no life...lmao...and I see these girls leaving their full name, their phone #, and telling the guys to write them?  STUPID.
  People who say that the Backstreet Boys are just a phase, and that 'don't worry, you'll get over it...I did.'  Um, hello?  huge fan for almost 3 years here!  This ain't a phase people.  Just because you get over something, doesn't mean that other people who are fans are going to do the same thing.
  *NSYNC..yeah, they changed their name from that SO uncool N'sync to *NSYNC...yeah, thats SO much better...lmao.  Okay, back to my original thought that got sidetracked by my thinking about *NSUCKS stupid name change...The video for Bye Bye Bye, is pretty bad.  I mean, Justins AJ laugh, is just SO stupid.  And that blowing on the Cd thing in the car chase scene?  lmao, and um, you know how Chris and Joey are running across the top of thr train, and they go under the bridge?  That must be a really short bridge and really fast train, cuz it the very next shot, it's gone.  I must admit, the dance scenes where the room is bouncing and the cameras bouncing is pretty cool, now if only BSB could have done that it would have been perfect, cuz the fact Nsucks in it, kinda ruis it for me!
  Re-runs...okay, so Canada (GO CANADA!!!) has kind of the equivelent of USA's mtv, it's called Much music.  and although I love them, and their brand new VJ (go bradford, go bradford, the stupid station plays the same 6 hour footage over and over for like, 3 days!  I swear, the second day I can predict which video is coming up next...grrrrr....of course, when it's a Backstreet Boys day or soemthing, then its'all good, but other than that..GRRRR...

Jan. 12. 2000- My revelation for the day.  Nsync sucks.  I just heard "Bye Bye Bye"  and I swear if it hadn't been for the crappy singing and jc squeeling in the background I would have mustaken it for Backstreet Boys in a second.  It sounds so much like dont want you back it's not funny.  Not even close.  I hate nsuck, and they must come to a horrible end along with lou pearlman. Oh thats another story, i'll get back to him some other day!

Dec. 24th. 1999- K, I know, i'm anti-family, I just stay up in my room and watch tv, listen to BSB and work on the site.  But i'm really bored so i decided to create this section.  I was just watching Much Music and saw a new video called "Butterflys" or some crap like that.   By some all original group of 5 girls who call themselves "Bliss".  OMG.  I can;t beleive I actually made myself watch the whole thing!  I'm just wondering if any of them can sing, cuz none of them ever had any solos!  If they ever did have a solo the tv would prob explode cuz it sounds so bad!  The entire video was them repeating the same line over and over again.  They were feeling themselves up, driving dirtbikes, and flirting with half naked bubble muscle guys!   YUCK.  Big thumbs down. 
P.S. it is now Jan 4th and they keep playing this song on the radio and on muchmusic over and over and it' still pissing me off!

Tell us YOUR whatevers!
