Fan Quest

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Sammy Lopez!!

DC Yeager

James Dallas!!

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Hi! As you all probably know, Youngstown is now a defunct group, going their seperate ways to do different things. It's all good though, because they were awesome singers and really sweet guys. I could have decided to do two things, I could have left the site just like this, or I could have totally shut this down. I decided that that wouldn't have been cool considering I never finished all that I wanted to do. So I decided to keep this site up, take down some unecessary stuff and just keep the pictures up. That way, I can actually add more pictures. I still have a lot of pictures to put up

Updated 04.06.02
~! promises, but as soon as I actually have time, I'll get up more pictures. I never did put up those Bosco Celeb B-Ball game pictures. The last time that I saw Youngstown was this past fall. I was at the taping of the Mallstar Countdown. So, those will go up when I have some time. ~!~Before you leave, leave me a message at my guestbook. Note: I have no association with the guys, they've probably never been to this site, so chances are they don't read the messages.
~!~Want a link of your Youngstown page on here, send it to with the subject of YT LINK
~!~Wanna talk to more fans? Well you can join my Yahoo club
YTown 4 Life.

September 10, 1999
They're sooo awesome!!

My Thoughts On...




Other Stuff

More Pixers!

Fan Experiences

Yes, this page is under MAJOR CONSTRUCTION! I'm trying to change the look a little bit, so please be patient with me. I will try to add some of my own information and some of my own experiences. If you have any questions, comments, or any information please feel free to e-mail me at or If you'd like to share anything please feel free to e-mail me and you will get full credit for everything. If anyone would like to use anything on this site please consult me before doing so. Okay then, LETS ROLL!!


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