Halloween Party (of Love)

The Halloween Party was a success and there were girls there, so the complaints can stop now. 

click on the thumbnails to see pictures.

Sarah AddamsWednesday Addams A Little FrighteningRed eye captures the mood.
Adrian, uh, i mean PeterAdrian goes as Peter, oh wait... My PrettyAlex shows her true nature?
Alex gets noseyBefore the nose fell off Alex and AlexKristie and Alex, as ALEX
so innocent...Heavenly Dyanne how sweet....And that boy of hers
Costume #1Adrian and Snow White (oops that's Lee) costume #2Dead Hooker
costume #3Naughty Schoolgirl It's a fairy!It's a Michael
June just moved to New York, PaulJune as Kristie as ummm well... OH MY!!!Guys, that's not funny!
Just like that one day...Lee watches Annette roll around
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All Pictures are copyright Kristie Macris 1998