I've posted up pictures of some of my favorite Old and New School Skaters and I've also posted up pictures of me at the local spots, my house, Florida, and News Paper. I don't really take a camera when I bomb something, but from now on I will. To make up I sketched some of my tags and bombs on paper. I dont wanna draw my good ones, cause I want ya'll to see them in the pictures I am gonna take.

My pics and stuff:

me in the news paper
Backside Boardslide
fakie kickflip
pop shovit
540 McTwist
Melon Grab
Me burning a Tech Deck


my tag
a SWA bomb

Old School Photos:

Tony Hawk:

Steve Caballero:
f/s boneless

Natas Kaupas:
bowl ollie

New School Photos:

Kareem Campbell:
b/s tailslide

Chad Muska:
f/s 5-0 grind
f/s 50-50-grind

Ed Templeton:
f/s bluntslide on a car!!
f/s feeble grind

Rodney Mullen:
f/s evening tailslide

Mike Maldonado:
about to bust his ass