Perpetual Bubblewrap Archive

Perpetual Bubblewrap is an article I write for the Bridges Over Dark Waters Newsletter.

August 2002

Perpetual Bubblewrap

- by Petra Sphinx

This new section of the newsletter is written by me and is dedicated to very amusing, yet completely useless websites. These sites have been extensively tested by me to be thoroughly entertaining for people who are easily amused. And now you too can waste valuble hours and precious moments in front of your computer.

Trivia Bytes
- This is so much fun for movie buffs, like me!

The Terminator
- Think 6 degrees of separation, starring Arnie! (I can't get past 4)

Urban Legends Reference Page
- So many urban legends, so little time

The Big List of Movie Mistakes
- Self explanatory

... and finally, the site you've all been waiting for
Perpetual Bubblewrap
- The site of this column's namesake. Come experience the awe-inspiring majesty that is the Perpetual Bubblewrap. Must be seen to be believed.

Stay tuned for more... ;-)

September 2002

There was no issue of the House of Dark Waters Newsletter for the month of September.

October 2002

Perpetual Bubblewrap
- by Petra Sphinx

Dumb Laws
- a site full of dumb but real laws

The Moonlit Trod's Humor Page
- featuring "You know you're in the WOD when..." and "Pooka Pranks"

Interactive Top Ten List
- just reload to get a brand new list every time

What are you in the World of Darkness?
- a site with a list of WOD surveys

... and in the time honoured tradition of saving the best for last
The Internet Movie Database
- a database of every movie ever made, including trivia, goofs, top 250 list, bottom 100 list (very funny), polls, and so much more. Awesome site.

November 2002

Perpetual Bubblewrap
- by Petra Sphinx

Kate Monk's Onomastikon
- a dictionary of names, great for character generation

Email Jokes
- a collection of jokes, mostly ones emailed to me, but sooo funny!

- A random band name generator (I was quite partial to Audible Cage)

The Movie Pooper
- Movie spoilers, ruins the ending for a ton of movies

... and last but not least
Little Gamers
- a very funny daily comic stip, full of ninjas and l33t.

January 2003

Perpetual Bubblewrap
- by Petra Sphinx

Crazy Thoughts
- Asks some of life's unanswered questions.

The Stupid Page
- True stories about stupidity and other dumb humor.

Which Infamous Criminal Are You?
- Fun quiz but the url is a bit long.

Status Primer Parts I & II
- Yes, I know it's a shameless plug, sue me.

... oh I almost forgot
Homestar Runner
- Enter the world of Homestar Runner and all his friends. Homestar Runner has a good heart, even if he is a reject with no arms. Strongbad is my favourite. Check out this site, if only to read Strongbad's email. Sooooo funny.

September 2003

Perpetual Bubblewrap
- by Petra Sphinx

Get Your Goth Name
- A Goth name generator. My name is Dessicated Corpse.

Jokes for the World of Darkness
- A website full of jokes involving the World of Darkness and many of it's venues.

Games You Can't Lose
- A list of silly little games that you can't lose. Good for a laugh.

- Ultra-condensed movie hilarity. Also visit the Book-A-Minute link at the bottom of the site.

Penny Arcade
- A daily comic strip about video game geeks.

October 2003

Perpetual Bubblewrap
- by Dessicated Corpse

What Flavour Are You?

- A silly little quiz to determine what you taste like. I apparently taste like Death, who didn't see that one coming?

Swords Online

- A nice website, yes a very nice website with lots of shiny pretty things... my preciousssssss

LunAtic DragOn

- This guy's got some *really* nice artwork in his Gallery section, some of it is in Japanese though.

The Ten-Minute Two Towers

- A parody synopsis of the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers in about ten minutes. I laughed myself sick when I read this.

Ok, I was requested to add this bit of insanity...
Bodies Hit the Floor

- An animation to the song by Drowning Pool full of misheard lyrics, complete with kittens, penguins, and Mega Man. It is not for the humor-challenged so don't say I didn't warn you.

November 2003

Perpetual Bubblewrap
- by Dessicated Corpse

Soundtrack.Net Trailer Music

- Ever watch the commercial for a movie and say "Hey, the music in this commercial is good, I wonder what song this is?" and then you go watch the movie and the song isn't in the movie and you check the soundtrack and the song isn't there either. Well now you can probably find it here!

DVD Easter Eggs

- A handy little site for those of you who have DVDs and want to find those hidden extra goodies.

Online Auction Museum of Weird and Zany Sales

- A museum of truely bizarre, but real, online auctions.

Perpetual Bubblewrap Back Issues

- Missed last month's issue of Perpetual Bubblewrap, or just reeeeely bored?

... oooh someone sent me a reccomendation

- A bizarre website with tons of strange flash movies and games to completely waste time.

Visited any sites you think are worthy of the Perpetual Bubblewrap? Send your reccomendations to

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