grape milk boy

Name: Matthew James XenoPhenoAlpha Dvorin
Age: 367.34 Partecs (19 "years")

OCCUPATION: (classified) Suspected to be involved in secret sciences and harboring Canadian refugees. suspected Space Pirate and Secret Scientist.

HOBBIES: reading, working on his "time-space continuum disrupter device"

PREFERRED MUSICAL INPUT UNITS: too many, esp, The Smiths, Man or Astroman, The Makers.

SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Tom Meteor Astrogun w/ laser beam, Starturd Deflective Shield, and CCCP lunar rocket-pack.

SPECIAL TRAINING: four years in the College of the Galaxies studying interplanetary coordinates, three years at Seriphitos X-4 Votech studying asteroid tectonics, and six months on Battlestar Atomica studying ants. Also one year at Rowan University, New Jersey, Earth, studying English.

COMMENTS: subject seems to be obsessed with "Mountain Dew," an earth drink high in "caffiene" chemical content. Also, subject claims to sleep alot and is "looking for a summer job." Likes to read "books" by Earth artists such as Henry Miller, Thomas Mann, Jay Macinery, and more. Suspected to be involved in Earthly revolutionary activities...