Welcome to Synthfont .....



Last updated on 1-15-98

Has come to be become creative

Synthfont is dedicated to all of the MIDI musicians out there who want to create great music with the Creative Wavetable sound cards. I have owned a Creative sound card for quite some time and have searched the web looking for the right sounds to create some interseting compositions. Well, what I found was a bunch of flutes, dance loops and car crashes. Having owned a few synthesizers and apreciating their flexibility I wanted my sound card to do the same. So with the help of some people out there who publish wave files of vintage synthesizer sounds I have created about 100MB of sounds both analog and digital. I hope that these pages add some usefulness to the MIDI musician allow them that place to look for that one interesting sound. Please enjoy and any suggestions, as well as contributions, are greatly appreciated.


Featured this month ....

Play the D-50 to load sounds....


The Roland D-50 was released in 1987. The keyboard was a 16 voice FM/PCM digital synthesizer. And, at time of release could only play one sound at a time. The creative cards give this gem a facelift allowing at least twice as many sounds and the addition of multitimbral capability.

Play the Arp to load sounds....

The Arp Oddessey is an analog synthesizer. Only allowing one or two note polyphony and no preset ability, it is equiped with a three octave keyboard. Today it still offers a pleasing sound to any composition.



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