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Rubber Ducky!
Alright we've got some
SERIOUS changes goin on.

I remembered my User name I remembered my password,
I've been editing this stupid page and you all are
gunna like it. Or i'm gunna be mad.


I made a new picture page, I made a new New stuff page, I'm workin on the Seth page, the Friends page is being fixed, all that cool stuff. My Who Am I page still needs changed (it says i'm like in 8th grade or something.) (And just for the record i'm in 10th grade.)

Now. Go see the new Picture Page
to see all the fun New Years 2000 party pics I got. I also got my new Homecoming Pictures in but I haven't scanned them yet... But I'll tell ya when I do.

I have a few more stupid quotes too if ya wanna check those out.

The new page under construction, The Seth Green Shrine, dont know if you know who he is (only the hottest sex symbol in all of the earth.) For your own sake, check him out.

What else do we have... oh yes the New News page, just pretty much sums up all the babble I've got to say..Feel free to browse, comment etc.

Other than that, my work here is pretty much done.

To get you started, try some of the lil'
links at the bottom or left side of the page.

Have fun!


and sign my guestbook.


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I am constantly being interrogated every time I want to do something with my friends!
Who do you think my mom hates the most:
- Since February 7, 1903 -

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