Hi. Weīre a little Danish Fanclub called "The Danish Michael Jackson Newsletter and this is our new homepage. Itīs still under construction, but we hope soon to be able to present to you the best homepage a fanclub has ever had.

In the meantime please visit our old homepage : MJIS Denmark

Now. "Please go check out about "The book Of Love 1997" just by clicking here

Click here to read about us, plus about the newsletter

Now. Please take the time to sign our guestbook.
Write comments, suggestions, questions, WHATEVER! Or you can give somebody a messege... Who knowīs? Itīs your choice. Please donīt hesitate.


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Now YOU have the chance to start a discussion about MJ, or to leave a messege, or to do whatever you like, maybe tell your own story? Go to our messege board and enjoy.

MJIS Messegeboard