Uncle Jimi wants YOU!

Hi, and welcome to the Visual page. Here I plan on featuring some cool pictures of Jimi and the band in performance, or even a few that I've done myself. I hope you enjoy. The first pic here, `Uncle Jimi Wants You', I "borrowed" from the old `official' Hendrix home page. I thought it was kinda neat.

This was my first attempt at something serious at a Jimi image. Had a black and white picture of Jimi playing that I've always liked. Did a little rough editing (very rough actually, I have improved a little bit since then) and applied a sky filter against the background. The lettering was done in 3D Studio, and color masked into the other picture. I used the picture as a t-shirt design for a co-worker's kid birthday gift.

Got a Snappy video capture device, and couldn't decide what to capture first. Jimi At Monterey seemed to spring to mind, so I did a quick grab, then dragged it into Photoshop and Picture Publisher and went a little nuts with it.

Found some black and white images of Jimi at the Isle Of Wight festival. Took one of them and played around with it in Photoshop and Picture Publisher. Had a few variations, but the one I liked best was the least complex one, just a simple filter from Picture Publisher blended in with the original black and white image gave me what you see here.

...by a SRV fan

A friend of mine did this one up, he's a professional artist by trade, so of course his work kicks my butt. But he uses an Apple, so he's got his own problems :)