Antischism was an anarchist band from South Carolina
They are in my opinion one of the best Anarchist bands ever.As I've said before,it's
music that has the rage only growing up in a
state that has elected Strohm Thurmond since the dawn of time can breed.
I only have Antischism's full length, Still Life and The Stereonucleosis Comes to your house which contains the very rare tracks "Media"and "Mothers".
Here are The Sections:
   Band Members
 Update:OK, I know it's been over a year since I updated but now there is actually news to report:The Antischism Discography CD woll re-released by Prank in early April.This will have a lot more stuff than the orginal Selfless version and the initial pressing will be a double CD. For more info go to Mordam Records
Last Updated:2/8/02
I am always looking for Antischism pictures and articles to add to the site. If you have any e-mail me at: