Song Reviews

Kill Em All
Metallica's first CD, where it all began. Ok, so the lyrics were a little immature in comparison to the next 4 cds, but they were young and it's excusable because of the kick ass music to back it up. Now is a good time to point out that i am a serious guitarist, and i pay huge attention to musical complexity etc. The songs will be rated from 1-10, and on songs i can figure out i will give my interpretations of the lyrics. Thank you to the makers of "The Metallica Experience" for the idea. So without further ado, let the reviews begin...

Hit The Lights
Metallica's first official song. It opens with a 20 second concert like intro, then blasts into the main guitar riff. Lightning fast picking and punk speed drumming. James' scratching young vocals set the standards for all the Metallica to come, despite the obvious topic of pitch. The song is aobut a Metallica concert, as will be the case in later songs on the album. At 4:17 the song goes on long enough without getting annoying. In short, a success.
The Score: 8.5

The Four Horsemen
One of the most popular songs on the album, and with good reason. The verse and chorus catch you, and then once you think that's all there is to the song, you got the descending power chord riff immediately followed by what i personally think is one of the best unspoken solos of all. When you look beyond speed, there is more to a solo, such as a good tune, and good fitting with the back up riff. All of which this solo contains. Then back to the main parts and another lightning fast solo. Overall a great song.
The Score: 9.5

Wow. I just love this song. I'm not sure what it is about it, but it just really sounds great to me. One very impressive characteristic is that the verse is just as likeable as the refrain, a quality rarely found in songs today. Usually the vere is horrible and boring, making anything decent a band can come up with seem amazing. But in Motorbreath the verse is great and and the refrain just amazes you. Also the first really meaningful lyrics in a song, about how you should have fun in life before it's gone. One of the best, and most underrated songs on the cd in my opinion.
The Score: 10

Jump In The Fire
Hmmmm. A different style than we've heard from Metallica so far. Scary, but it almost sounds....major?! Supposedly written to be a radio song, it didn't turn out as something you would expect from Metallica thus far. But even still there's something catchy about it whether you like it or not, and it stays in your head for quite some time. Seems a bit to me like the lyrics have something to do with Hell, but you can't really be sure. A bit of a fall from what we've already heard, but not a complete falure.
The Score: 7.5

Anestesia-Pulling Teeth
The first real introduction of the breathtaking bass skills of Clifford Burton. Not to mention an introduction of the wonderful world of distorted bass. He does things i couldnt even imagine attempting on a bass, and he makes sounds i couldnt even dream about figuring out. You will never again here a bass solo like this out of ANYONE ever again. Just hearing the song reminds you of how much of a tragedy the loss of Cliff was to the world. I believe that Cliff is the only person that could play strictly bass for 3 1/2 minutes without getting boring, and even makes you wish there was way more. Another success from Metallica and a wonderful show of the skills of Cliff Burton.
The Score: 9

One of the biggest live songs ever played by Metallica. Why? Because it's about Metallica and the thrashing fans that go to they're concerts. Fast and heavy, it's what any self respecting Metallica fan would want to hear. Now, James considers the lyrics immature and silly, and perhaps they are, but come on...isn't it true? Another great solo in this one, with James not afraid to screech right in the middle or it. Unfortunately, the band can't really handle playing or singing this song anymore, but God knows they can try, and for the die hard fans-that's enough. There has been better, but still by any standards a great speed metal song.
The Score: 8.5

Phantom Lord
Yet another good song that goes unrecognized. Well written. A bit different especially during the "Hear the cry of war...." art. Quick moving riffs, and such good screaming on the part of James it almost sounds painful. The lyrics dont seem to be about anything specific to me. My best guess is that it's one of his unique ways of expressing what metal is to him. Another lightning solo. This song sort of reminds me of The Four Horsemen, but it's not really all that similar. A good song.
The Score: 7

No Remorse
Another journey into the world of lyrics that make a statement. The song is about how people just crash through and destroy things and people in war, and don't care about it at all. Musically, this song is what i think is a success, there is nothing particularly amazing about it, but all put together a good song. I personally like it when Metallica does individually picked notes as opposed to power chords, they come up with their most creative songs that way. I also like how he screams "Attack" and does the "Bullets are flying..." part, followed by a good concert-style ending. Well done.
The Score: 8

Seek & Destroy
One of those songs you know within the first 2 seconds, because of it's ever so recognizable intro riff. Another big live song despite the fact that it is slower than some others on the album. The lyrics seem to be not so much abot war, but about violence in general. In particular it seems to be about gangs, like "Scanning tonight. start up a fight." At least, that's the best guess i can give. Although a very good song, the repetitiveness takes away from the score. Otherwise a good song.
The Score: 8.5

Metal Militia
Sort of generic as speed metal goes, but still unique in its own way. Fast and pumping and loud, the Metallica way, the only way, to end an album. Obviously the lyrics are just about metal again. This is just about the end of Metal lyrics for Metallica though. I feel that this song almost provides a gateway to the next album with the marching going out at the end, almost as if to say..."on to what comes next....". Another good song and a great way to end their first album.
The Score: 8.5


Ride the Lightning
Ride The Lightning, Metallica's 2nd Album, is my personal favorite. There is not one song on this cd that gets old or boring no matter how many times you listen to it. I can find at least one song that i would skip over on any other cd, but not this one. And a weird thing about the cd is that you know it is from the 80's just by listening to it, you feel the 80's while listening to it, but it contains no characteristics of other 80's music. If someone told you it was written in the 90's you wouldnt believe it, but even still it's completely unique as far as the 80's go. It's almost impossible to explain, but if you listen you'll know what i mean. But enough about that, hears what i think about the music...

Fight Fire With Fire
When you hear this intro you don't know what to think. Maybe the wrong cd was in the case. Nope, it's the right one, what's going on? It sounds like....classical music! What th--oh.......ok. 40 seconds into the song we hear the Metallica we're used to. Crunching, pounding, fast-as-hell, headbanging riffs. And the perfect lyrics to complement the music. Metallica has officially adopted the idea of music-with-a-message, an idea that owuld be carried out with every song on the next 4 albums. This song is about the destruction of the world due to nuclear warfare. A great solo, and great everything else. James' vocals have lowered in pitch a little bit since the 1st album. A great bashing song. Notable Quote: "The Gods Are Laughing, So take your last breath."
The Score: 9

Ride The Lightning
Yet another immediately recognizable intro, to another great song. Great verse music to lead into the chorus containing descending chords to complement the theme. The lyrics are about a man in the electric chair after being sentenced to death, and what's going through his mind. The genius songwriting almost gives you the feel of electricity flowing. Then, once you get used to the idea of the song, you hear a really cool riff, followed by an AMAZING solo. I can't say enough about this solo it is so great. And as if it wouldn't be good enough by itself the backup riff totally makes it sound ten times better. This is about the best sounding solo i've ever heard especially with the lightning fast speed-picking. Awesome. Then the tone of the solo changes and it gets faster and heavier, though you wouldn't have thought that possible. Then an approriate ending that just drops you at the end of the song. Noteable Quote: "Oh please God help me, they're trying to take it all away. I don't want to die."
The Score: 9.5

For Whom The Bell Tolls
Ahhh....the bells. The first relatively slow song on the cd, a huge live favorite. And if the riffs weren't good enough Cliff just totally tears you apart with some more amazing bass. Another popular theme from Metallica, this song is about war (geared toward the old days) and the senslessness of murdering people for a hill. A great chorus that stays in your head for another couple hours. This song just makes you move your head whether you want to or not. The song presents another great thing bout this album, which is James' singing. He's not just shouting all the time, he screams in perfect tune in harmony to the guitar and bass. Classic song. Noteable Quote: "Crack of dawn all is gone except the will to be"
The Score: 10

Fade To Black
Metallica's first so-called ballad. But don't let that fool you. This song is great as a ballad and once you get used to the peace and serenity, BANG! The song lashes out into some killer distortion. One of the most popular songs on the cd, even people who don't know Metallica know fade to black. The song is about depression and suicide written after the band was robbed of all of their equipment and posessions. Then back and forth between acoustic and distorted, and next a bridge that makes you forget it was a ballad, with lyrics that summerize the whole song. And, of course, another great solo. I could listen to the song for hours without getting bored. Rarely do you hear so much variety in one song. Noteable Quote: "Growing darkness taking dawn, I was me but now he's gone...." and "No one but me can save myself but it's too late."
The Score: 10+

Trapped Under Ice
Back to the speed of the first two songs. This song is I think meant to be taken literally, in which case it's about a person freezing to death. Really fast, really crunching, really cool. Not much to say about this one except for the fact that it's really good wth another light speed solo...Noteable Quote: "I am dying to live." The Score: 8.5

Sort of catchy, especially the refrain. The song is about being put-down and treated poorly by everyone because of lifestyle etc. and not caring because you can be your own friend and trust yourself and not worry about what others have to say. Sort of slow, with-yet another-fast solo. Supposedly written as a radio-friendly song, that didn't do as well as planned although i dont know why. It is a good song. Noteable Quote: "Life's for my own, to live my own way."
The Score: 7.5

Creeping Death
YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! The Metallica anthem!!!!!!!!! Played at every concert I've ever heard of, and best experienced live. Also sounds really great when they let Jason sing the final "So let it be written, so let it be done" part. I don't know what the fans would do if this wasn't played. They teased us when we saw them in concert by stopping in after the beginning and checking to see if we wanted to hear it. Really cool song with nearly the fastest solo yet. What I think is the most popular song on the c.d., at least a favorite among the fans. Written about the bible, with quotes from the movie "The Ten Cammandments." The "Die by my hand...." part is really cool live because EVERYONE is shouting "Die" to back it up, and Metallica makes sure of that. Really cool ending. Noteable Quote: "Blood running red and strong down the nile."
The Score: 10

The Call of Ktulu
Metallica's first (and best) instrumental. The name comes from an H.P. Lovecraft novel. Originally titled "When Hell Freezes Over," and then titled "Call of Chtulu," the band settled on "Ktulu." i love this song. It really takes a lot to make a great instrumental song. It is so well done that you really dont care if it's instrumental or not. The song almost feels mystical, but still really heavy. Longer than the other songs on the cd, and still doesn't get boring. Metallica is the only band that can make two guitars sound like a concert symphony. sort of runs on a "theme and variations" technique, because the basic riffs are the same throughout the whole song, but they sound different every time. Has the coolest ending I've ever heard in my life (or should i say 40 endings, because it sounds like its over quite a few times). But, the final ending is really cool.
The Score: 10


Master Of Puppets
Metallica's Third album has been hailed by many as their best. It is very good, but I disagree, I have to say that Ride the Lightning was the best. But don't take that the wrong way, I love Master of Puppets too. So, here's my reviews for the third album.

Yet again, they start off an album with some nice happy classical guitar. But this time you know better. Then, sure enough, the electrics crash in, in perfect harmony with each other. After this goes on for a while, BANG! A fast and totally messed up timing, and heavy as hell. I can not play that rhythm to this day. And I have to say, that 5 second solo after the first verse is so awesome!!!! I have heard that the lyrics are about a guy that's all drugged up and kills his family. Really cool song, one of the best on the album I think. Noteable Quote: "Hungry Violence Seeker, Feeding On The Weaker"
The Score: 9

Master Of Puppets
One of Metallica fans' favorite live songs, the crowd erupts at the sound of the first 4 chords. They know what's coming. One of Metallica's biggest songs as far as the first 4 albums go. Really Cool, I especially love the slide hammer between notes during the refrain. Then, the song takes an unexpected turn and goes into an acoustic bridge, containing a mini-solo. Then, a distorted version of the acoustic part, and back to the extreme heaviness. One of the coolest things to see live is the synchronized fists pounding up along with "MASTER! MASTER!" Lyrics are about a drug addiction. Really good song, even better live. Noteable Quote: "Blinded by me, You can't see a thing"
The Score: 8.5 on the cd, 9.5 live.

The Thing That Should Not Be
One of Metallica's lesser known songs on the album, and rightfully so. This song is, as my friend describes it, a "filler song," just used to make the album longer. Not very impressive, but still sorta cool. They played this live at a concert I went to, I was kinda surprised. Jason once dubbed this "The heaviest song ever" or something to that effect. I have no idea why. The lyrics are about an H.P. Lovecraft Novel. Noteable Quote: None.
The Score: 7

Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Known to most Metallica fans as just "Sanitarium," this song makes up for The Thing That Should Not Be. This song used to be my favorite song ever, but not anymore. But its definitely still really cool. I love it. Great as a ballad if you want to call it that, and great as a heavy song. It's just great. It's funny that all the cool "ballad" songs fall fourth on the albums. Think about it, "Fade to Black," "Sanitarium," "One," "The Unforgiven," "Until it Sleeps," and "The Unforgiven 2." Weird, huh? Anyway, This song rocks and should by all right be the most famous Metallica song. It's not but oh well. The lyrics are about someone put into an asylum and feels it is a completely ineffective way to go about treating a problem. Cool solos. I especially like the "fear of living on..." part. Noteable Quote: "They keep me locked up in this cage, can't they see it's why my brain says RAGE?"
The Score: 10

Disposable Heroes
Fast guitar and loud. Good song, although it's a bit long and doesn't have enough different parts to justify its length. the lyrics are about someone who is sacrificed in a war to help a government that doesn't even know he exists. One of the most to the point songs about war done by metallica. Noteable Quote: "You will die when I say you must die" and "I was born for dying."
The Score: 8

Leper Messiah
Catchy tune for the guitar part, sort of a weird timing, a good song overall. This song has varied meanings to different people, I personally think it's about how faith healers ask for money and pretend to heal people when they don't. Good song. Noteable Quote: "Send me money send me green, heaven you will meet, make a contribution and you'll get a better seat."
The Score: 8.5

On Ride the Lightning if you remember i said that Call of Ktulu was their best instrumental, but now that i've listened to this a few times, I think it's kind of a toss up. They are both very good. Also, this song really reminds me of Cliff, since many people consider this to be his greatest of achievements, both because he had a big part in writing it and his large part in performing it. Ktulu is the better "nice sounding" instrumental, this one is the better heavy metal instrumental. But dont hold it to that, because it certainly has its well written softer parts. Like the middle part starting off with just cliff doing a little clean bassline.I can't think of a better way to remember Cliff than this song. A great success on the album.
The Score: 10

Damage Inc.
After recovering from Orion, Metallica wastes no time in bashing your head off. I think if Jason had reconsidered his statement, he would've almost certainly admitted that THIS is the heaviest song of all time. Wow. Fast, Loud, and just about any other word you can think of to define "heavy." The lyrics make no sense to me, but they appear that they could be about a ruthless corporate business, although the first verse really seems to be about Metallica's fight against conformity. That's just a really rough guess. One great thing about this song is how despite its extreme heaviness, the refrain still SOUNDS good, as only Metallica could do. Noteable Quote: "Go against the grain until the end."
The Score: 8.5


...And Justice For All
The final album (in my opinion) where Metallica follows their patterns on other albums, that binded them together in my mind. The last album where Metallica had absolute, Die Hard heavy metal. But hey, thats just what I think. Has the Best sound quality on any album yet because it's the first album by Metallica that was recorded A/D/D (Analog/Digital/Digital). Here's some more of what I think.

Another one of Metallica's patterns, which soon will be no more, openning the album with a ripping heavy song. And Blackened definitely fit that description. Along with Hit the Lights, Fight Fire With Fire, and Battery, (which if you'll notice are other 1st songs on the albums...) Blackened is fast and loud. Good song, introducing James' new and improved vocals, which are now at their peak in his career. The lyrics are about destruction of earth through polution and war. Noteable Quote: "See our mother, put to death. See our mother die."
The Score: 8.5

...And Justice For All
Follows another small tradition of putting the title track 2nd (just an observation). Cool intro with great melodies and harmonies. Then comes the distortion, and vocals. Cool song. The lyrics are about the corruption in the U.S. goverment. Justice sets the theme for a few other songs on the album. Noteable Quote: "Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is Gone. Pulling your strings, Justice is Done."
The Score: 9

The Eye of the Beholder
My friend had this cd before I did, so the first time I heard this was at his house. From the very beginning I was captivated. Just because of this song I felt compelled to by the cd. It sounded so cool, and if that wasn't enough it has great lyrics. James' vocals are almost eerie they sound so weird. Those vocals add about 110% to this song. I am so dissapointed that this song is so overlooked. Nobody who doesn't have the cd knows the song, and that makes me sad. EVERYBODY should know this song! It totally kicks ass! You can find a great meaning to EVERY LINE of this song. Like right from the start, "Do you hear what I hear? Truth is an offense. Your silence for your confidence." The lyrics to the song are about the opression of the government, and the limitations on freedoms we are SUPPOSED to have. GREAT GREAT GREAT but overlooked song. Noteable Quote: "Freedom of Speech is words that they will bend. Freedom with their exception." and every other line in the song.
The Score: 10

A huge classic. And, the first really well known song to non-metallica fans. Really soft with lots of harmonies, and nice singing. But then, since Metallica just can't let it stay that way, some distortion and some nice neat yelling. Then back and forth, and onto massive heaviness during the "Landmine..." part, followed by a killer solo. The lyrics are about someone who is blown up by a landmine, and loses all his limbs and all his senses, in essence just a living brain. Really heavy video with exerpts from the movie "Johnny got his gun," which was about the same topic. Follows the tradition of putting the famous ballad fourth. Played at every live show I've ever heard of (with loads of pyro), or else there would be much rioting. Despite the fact that this is one of the best known songs of all Metallica, there's not much to say about except that it's great. Noteable Quote: "Nothing is real but pain now."
The Score: 10

The Shortest Straw
A bit of a dud on the part of Metallica, but still not that bad. The lyrics are about old day witch-hunts and outcasting of people. I really like the riff that comes a bit after "in vertigo you will be." Noteable Quote: "The Accusations fly, discrimination, why? Your inner self to die, intruding."
The Score: 7

Harvester of Sorrow
Captivating openning riff when it shoots into distortion. I've read that it is about some guy who goes nuts and kills his family but i'm not sure. Cool song with a good solo. Not much to say about it though. Noteable Quote: "To see into my eyes, you'll find where murder lies, infanticide."
The Score: 8.5

The Frayed Ends of Sanity
Really cool song. Begins with the "Ooowweeeee yoooooo..." part from the Wizard of Oz. I hear Lars does it, but I can't picture him doing that. The lyrics are about someone going nuts and hanging onto the "Frayed Ends of Sanity." I like how James sings "Frayed Ends of Sanity, Hear them calling, Hear them calling me." The whole thing sounds cool. If you listen to the part where he says "Twisting under Schitzophrenia...." It sounds like in "Through The Never" when he says "Twisting Turning Through the Never." Cool Song. Noteable Quote: "Growing conspiracy, Myself is after me, Frayed Ends of Sanity, Hear them calling."
The Score: 9

To Live is to Die
Metallica's Tribute to the Late Cliff Burton. The song begins with a very Spanish sounding slow guitar riff. Then In pounds the electric, openning up the cool riff that carries on till the end of the song. This song is considered an instrumental, even though there are words, however the words are spoken softly for about 10 seconds of the song, so it really is instrumental. I don't really include this in my battle between the instrumentals, because it's kind of in a class by itself. Really cool song. I've come very close to missing the bus a couple times by listening to this song. Ends on a light note, with the intro. Very good tribute. Noteable Quote (The whole song): "When a man lies, he murders some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men miscall their lives. All of this I can not bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation, take me home."
The Score: 10

Dyers Eve
The perfect contradiction to To Live is To Die. Heavy Fast and Loud. Follows yet another tradition of ending on a loud note. The lyrics are about someone looking back resenting his sheltered childhood, telling this to his parents. I don't know if this is about James or not but it's a possibility. I love this song. The perfect end to the end of an era. Noteable Quote: "Children are seen but are not heard, Tear out everything inspired."
The Score: 9.5

The Song Playing is "Orion"

If you noticed a decrease in the descriptions after Ride the Lightning, that's because I realized my descriptions were too long. I couldn't go on and on like that for every song on the next 5 albums.