REVIEW BY : Boyzone Galaxy member  - Andrea Sandell
Well, what can I really say bout it, It was fab, and I think I won´t ever experience anything much like that again. Firstly I have to say even though 
I am complaining a lot about the weather and the late let-in, and the loss of some of the bands I think the ppl working at the concert did their very best to get it all running OK and to make the audience have as great time as possible ! And I don´t know how the pics went after it was raining all the time, and I´ll leave them in first tomorrow so... 
A'right, Let´s review *s* 
98-08-08 6.40am - 98-08-09 03.10 
Woke up and couldn´t possibly get to sleep again, cos I just had one thing in my head - BOYZONE so I woke Paula (my mate who was goin too) and we watched some TV and at 9 my dad finally went up, then we ate some breakfast, couldn´t get down much, and made some bring-with-us sandwiches and then we went down to the car, to get down to my dad's TV studio to pick up the tickets which were there. Then we were finally goin, great feeling, and we drove up to Helsingborg to take a boat over to Helsingör. We had booked to the boat at 11.40, but we came already down (after all my pressure) at 11am so we catched an earlier boat... After 20 minutes with boat we were over, and tried to find our way to CharlottenLunds travbana, an horse racing track which the concert were on. When we finally came right. We ran up to the enterance (me and Paula) just to find out there was just about 200 ppl there, no need to hurry at all, but there we were. After we've been there just about 20 minutes it began to rain, so we just hoped for the rain to pass soon (which it did NOT) and for the enterance to open  soon (which it certalinly did NOT). At 14.00pm, the time we was supposed to get in the doors still didn´t open, and not 14.30, not even 15.00 it opened, and it kept raining, and we were soooooo wet, and thought all the way through those hours, is this really worth it ? (myself I was almost sure that when we finally got in they´d say that Boyzone had cancelled) But finally at 15.40 we got in, and we ran to the stage to get good places, but when we got half way through the track, we heard some tunes from the stage - No Matter What, first we thoght it was just some music they played to keep us entertained, til the concert should begin, but noooooooo how wrong we were, when we came closer we heard, this was for real, and I promise, this fast we've never runned before, so we came to the stage, and who stood there singing with umbrellas if not - OUR BOYZ, and they were already half ways through the song, but as lucky we were this was only a warm up, and Keith said they´d be back at 22.00pm (yeah, right !) I took some pics before they got offstage. Then at 16.20 the commentator of the concert finally arrived, and god was he cute or what *wonder how many pics I took on HIM* and introduced one of all the bands, I'm not sure which one came first, but here are (most of, I think) the bands that were on the concert : 
Hit n' Hide 
All Saints 
Tuesdays song, It´s Up To You seemed very popular by the audience, but I wasn´t very impressed, cos it was playback (not my fave really, when the bands does playback). Hit n' Hide's Space Invaders weren´t playback, and they did it twice also. Kewl band, that - Hit n' Hide... Cartoon were weirdos really, gotta say there were really lots of Danish bands there, most bands were, and I didn´t get most of what they said either. us were a band I hadn´t heard of, but they were very good, and one of the guys were also cute. I think one of their songs were called Fly...  the time between the different bands there was a huge TV screen where they were filming the audience (I was on it, I think twice) and also they showed the PEPSI commersial which starred Boyzone and Let The Message Run Free, it was soooo great, BOYZONE are OUR GUYS ! N-e-ways, Daze's Tamagotchi got a huge response from the audience. I was surprised even thou Drömhus is a Swedish band almost everyone knew the lyrics (in Swedish) to Vill Ha Dej (in English "I Want You") and sang along, wasn´t expecting that. Alexia with Uh La La La was brilliant, and then finally All Saints came on stage, how cool, Melanie is (as I guess ya all really knew) VERY pregnant, and they because of that didn´t so very much dance routines, but they still were FAB and played about one hour with hits like I Know Where It´s At, Never Ever, Lady Marmalade, and Under The Bridge they really caught the audience. In my opinion they are nowadays best girl band, one of the best ever ! N-e-ways, then after tha Saints there was a looong waiting time (which felt like a lifetime) til they musicians played the first tunes of A Different Beat, then they entire audience were screaming, including me, and when we finally saw Ronan's gorgeous face no one could stand still. Then they came one after one up on stage - Stephen, Shane, Keith and Mikey  sang A Different Beat. Then What Can You Do For Me came on, and it's always been one of my fave songs, and they did it beautiful too, no playback  here, Boyzone are for real ya know ! *s* Must Have Been High came on from the new album Where We Belong, followed by Isn't It A Wonder. Then when Baby Can I Hold You came on all the fans began to scream again (myself I never stopped...) and after that the best tune (in my opinion) of the evening came on - Stephen's Herculestune, Shooting Star ! The entire stage was closed down, and all the other Boyz went off the stage and left Stephen there with a spotlight. He sang, and smiled and gave his all in that song, gotta love that bloke ! Also I think this was a really cool experience - He looked  my way, and I couldn´t resist blowing him a kiss, then he actually SAW that, cos he catched it and returned it and pointed at me, looked in my eyes and smiled ! No kidding - he did. *Gorgeous Stephen, I´ll never stop loving you !* Then the song was over way to fast. Then Heaven Knows from the Different Beat album came on, bit surprising maybe, but it was fab. Then All THat I Need came on, everyone sang along. I belive everyone knew songs like BCIHYT and ATIN but not the ones like What Can You Do For Me, ya know, the older songs, Wonder how many real Boyzone fans there really were (Xept the 3 ones I know *s*)... N-e-ways again, All That I Need was a great tune, and after that followed the brill song from Whistle Down The Wind - No Matter What, I love that duet  between RO and STEVE it´s great ! Then the good ol'e Picture Of You came on, and even though I am sooo tired of thatone in reality it was really great in concert ! Then the Boyz went out, and I thought, it was the end, but we kept clapping and screaming "BOYZONE" so they came on once more to sing us Melting Pot, great tune ! Then they thanked us for coming, and hen it was over, seemed just like a dream, can´t belive it happened ! The *gorgeous* commenter came on again, and thanked us all for coming, and then  was over, cos they were only allowed to hold the concert til midnight, and all the ppl began running out, the ground was so saucy and wonder HOW much danish mudd there must be now in the car. *LOL* Some girls fell down also, and myself I was really near, cos there was so much pressure. It was kinda cold too, cos we were all wet, some more than the others too. It was raining through the whole concert, didn´t end til the concert did, but I´m sure we all got a memory of life ! Thanks Boyzone - STephen, Ronan, Shane, Keith and Mikey and all the other band that were on. We had a great time ! The entire concert seemed to last just about 10 minutes ( it was 1 hour, and 10 mins ) and it was brilliant, fabolous - GREAT ! 
Hers is the entire order of the Boyzone songs (as I remember em...) 
(No Matter What) *before the concert really began* 
A Different Beat 
What Can You Do For Me 
Must Have Been High 
Isn´t It A Wonder 
Baby Can I Hold You Tonight 
Shooting Star 
Heaven Knows 
All That I Need 
No Matter What 
Picture Of You 
Melting Pot