REVIEW BY : MICHELLE gg0u8051@liverpool.ac.uk from UK
I am from the UK, near to Liverpool. I have met the boyz about 6 times before and I am going to Dublin again over Christmas. I would love to have loadsa Zonie pals, so can you possibly send some email adresses for me, or better still, give them mine. I will reply 100% to them all. I have loved Boyzone now for about 4 years since they released Love me for a reason, and I think that Steo is soooooo fine!  first time I met them was when I went to the Live and Kicking studio about 5 in the morning to get a glimpse of the boyz! We got there before everyone else and we were right at the front of the gates! Boyzone only came out about 10:30am, and they all had on their winter woolies, coz it was still very cold for March. I think it was shortly after Ronan's 19th! Steve came over to the gates were I was and he had on his fleecey gloves and he kept complaining how cold it was and how mad we must be to wait out all these hours to see them! I told him that he was gorgeous and he blushed and said thankyou! He looks so gorge when his cheeks go red! He had a cup of coffee in his hands and it was keeping him warm he said. Then, he says to me and my friend, "BRRRRR, my hands are freezing" and I said that I bet my hands are colder, and he said "prove it" and took hold of both of my hands throught the gates! I thought that I had died and gone to Heaven. His hands were so soft and warm, and he grinned and goes "Well I guess that you won", and gave me his cup of coffee. He told me to drink it to keep me warm, and to this day, I still have that cup in my room - unwashed, and Steve's lips have been round it. All my mates think that it is sad, but it is the memory that I keep it for! When we were outside the studio, Ronan was eating toast and had butter dribbling down his chin! He was mucking about with Barrie and was asking him in his most politest voice if he could see if there was any jam!  was such a cool day, and on the way from the studio, the boyz stuck there head out of the window and waved to all the fans goodbye!   
I am from the UK, near to Liverpool. I have met the boyz about 6 times before and I am going to Dublin again over Christmas. I would love to have loadsa Zonie pals, so can you possibly send some email adresses for me, or better still, give them mine. I will reply 100% to them all. I have loved Boyzone now for about 4 years since they released Love me for a reason, and I think that Steo is soooooo fine!  first time I met them was when I went to the Live and Kicking studio about 5 in the morning to get a glimpse of the boyz! We got there before everyone else and we were right at the front of the gates! Boyzone only came out about 10:30am, and they all had on their winter woolies, coz it was still very cold for March. I think it was shortly after Ronan's 19th! Steve came over to the gates were I was and he had on his fleecey gloves and he kept complaining how cold it was and how mad we must be to wait out all these hours to see them! I told him that he was gorgeous and he blushed and said thankyou! He looks so gorge when his cheeks go red! He had a cup of coffee in his hands and it was keeping him warm he said. Then, he says to me and my friend, "BRRRRR, my hands are freezing" and I said that I bet my hands are colder, and he said "prove it" and took hold of both of my hands throught the gates! I thought that I had died and gone to Heaven. His hands were so soft and warm, and he grinned and goes "Well I guess that you won", and gave me his cup of coffee. He told me to drink it to keep me warm, and to this day, I still have that cup in my room - unwashed, and Steve's lips have been round it. All my mates think that it is sad, but it is the memory that I keep it for! When we were outside the studio, Ronan was eating toast and had butter dribbling down his chin! He was mucking about with Barrie and was asking him in his most politest voice if he could see if there was any jam!  was such a cool day, and on the way from the studio, the boyz stuck there head out of the window and waved to all the fans goodbye!  

Me and my friend went to Dublin last year in the summer. We went from liverpool on the ferry which dropped us off right in the centre of Dublin. As we had never been b4, we were so excited to see our fella's home town, and everything that Boyzone say about it is true! The city is beautiful and all the people are really friendly. We only booked to spend one night in a bed and breakfast in Dublin town centre, but first, before we had even unpacked our bags, we were already asking people the way to the boyz' houses!!!  We found a really nice taxi driver, who had said that he would give us a full tour of the boyz houses for only half price!!! What a bargain. In the taxi, "Picture of you" came on in the car, and even the taxi driver was singing along to it! The weather was gorgeous,and all the birds were singing, it was like PARADISE (cool Boyzone song there!) As Steve lives the closest to the town centre, we went to Steve's house first in Dublin 1!His house is so tiny, but really cute, kinda like the houses in the coming home now video! We asked the driver to wait in the car for us so we could go up and take a picture of the house. We didn't want to knock because we felt a bit like we would be invading his parents' privacy. There we were, you can imagine it, on a hot summers day, in our pedal pushers and summer vests, all giggly, stood outside Mr.Gately(phwoar)'s house!!! You will never believe what happened next!!!! His mum opened the door to put out a bin bag and spotted us! We thought that she might be angry with us taking a picture of the house but she smiled and came over! she is really little, and me and my friend couldn't beleive how much her son looks like her. She was really friendly and asked were we had come from. She asked us in for a drink, and me and my friend had grins from ear to ear - we couldn't believe our luck!  I felt that I had died and gone to Heaven, sat in Steve's front room drinking lemonade!!!!! Above the fireplace was a picture of Steve taken from school when he was 14 and we were just saying how lovely he looked,and his mum just laughed! I think that she must be used to all his admirers by now! She was saying how quiet and shy he used to be! Well, we didn't stay long, as the taxi driver was waiting for us, so we got a picture of us with his mum, and said to say hi to Steve for us. I gave her a Mickey Mouse teddy for her to give him, and she said that he would be due home tomorrow! Typical, the day we had to go home! The next stop was Ronan's house, but as we were running out of money to pay the taxi driver, we only had time to run out of the taxi and take a photo from outside! We also visited Shane's house aswell and we saw the garage that he used to work in! That night we decided that we would go out round town, hitting the pubs and the clubs! We went to the pod nightclub and danced all night! All the lads have the same sexy accents as Boyzone, it was brilliant! We only stayed in Dublin for one night, but we took so many photos to keep as memories! We loved every minute of our trip and we are going again next year, so maybe we might even get to meet Steve at home then!!!! 

I will tell you the time that I went to the National Lottery also. That was the funniest time! It was in March 1996, when the boyz had released Coming Home now in the UK. Me and my friend had to travel down to London on the train to get there. Once inside the building, we found out that we were on the fifth row, which  still was pretty close to the front! We were dead excited and when Boyzone came out everyone started screaming! The boyz looked very smart in  sexy smart grey suits. when it came for the boyz to sing, everyone stood up and started clapping and screaming, it was so cool. It was really funny, when it was time for the boyz to do the fancy walk when they cross the legs over and go "da da da dad da dah" (know the bit that I mean?), Shane got his oh so big Caterpillar boots caught up and almost went flying!It was really funny! When it came to the bit when Ronan had to press the button for the balls to be released for the lottery, the other boyz came over to sign autographs. But there was this stupid old woman, who was n charge of security(?) who wouldn't let any of the girls get out of their seats to meet the boyz. She said that if they came over to where you were sitting, then you could ask for an autograph. As my fave ZONER is sexeeee Steo, I was not very impressed when he was told to go to the other end of the row, the end furthest away from me! Mikey and Keith signed my autograph book, but I had bought Steve a cuddly Mickey Mouse toy and I wanted to give t to him. So, I got down on my knees and got off the seat onto the floor, and crawled around everyone's legs in some attempt to get at Steve. Luckily the nasty old woman never got to see me, but every one was laughing and had to pull up there feet for me to crawl past. As I got to the end, I stretched my arms out and my fingers brushed past Steve's shin, and in excitement I yelled out to my mate who was crawling behind me "I touched Stephen's leg". Unfortunatley, Shane who was following Steve heard me and ooked down to where I was squished and chuckled. He said "Come to our hotel after the show, and Steve will let you touch even more". I was so embarassed but I couldn't beleive it! Shane bent down and gave me hs autograph, but Steve had already gone up the stairs to more fans. Shane shouted Steve and he turned to be, waved blew a kiss! I thought that I had died and gone to Heaven! He came back down to where I was and I gave him the Mickey Mouse, and he siged my book too!He was giggling about my liitle adventure under the seats! But, they had to go, and I went home very happy, but very bruised at the same time! It was one the best days of my life!  
Anyway, take care and god bess, in the words of our fellas themselves