Cardiff International Arena (Wales), 7/11/97, Something Else! 

6:30pm:  Doors promptly open, everyone goes in. 
7:00pm:  After half an hour of ads the first band, Another Level, come on.Crowd                        
                  getting bored.Play three or four songs. 
7:30pm:  On come the second band, Ultra, and play three or four songs. 
                  Crowd liven up a little. 
8:00pm:  On come band three, 6Pac, play three or four songs too many! 
                  Crowd hate this band, they're an even tackier re-make of the 
                  Spice Girls who seem to be tone deaf! 
8:30pm   On come band four, the Carter Twins.  Crowd livens up, we know 
                  these ones!!! 
9:00pm:  Short 15 min break, enough time to buy more merchandise and 
                  a drink! 
9:15pm:  Crowd re-enter Arena.  Things are now becoming tense-the 
                  Boyz  will be on soon!!! 
9:25pm:  Lights are dimmed-men start skating across stage. 
9:30pm:  Through a curtain of dry ice five familiar figures appear!!! 
                  Crowd goes mental!!!!!  The Boyz sing loads of songs.  One of 
                  the highlights was Steo's solo for Shooting Star, which he sang 
                  wearing a grey velvet suit-gorgeous!!!  Another highlight was 
                  the Boyz singing Baby Can I Hold You. 
11:15pm: Concert finishes, crowd files out of the Arena. 
11:30pm: As we were driving out of Cardiff my dad  spots a black limo 
                   with a pink light in the lane next to us, I wonder who that 
                   could be!?!  I get frantic-sadly my dad locks the car door 
                   and won't let me out!!!!