REVIEW BY : a forward e-mail message from Anna Noer
written word by word from the e-mail
Subject:pls.e-mail their show & .SLEEZE talk from a slut and a poof! 
Wahey there! Musta na peeps? This is gonna be long, though. i just wanted  you guys to know about this if you don't know about it yet. Well, anyway...Peepz.. The ladz are here right now, in my country, Phillippines. I am  so humiliated by the way they've been treated by the local TV show hosts.Sorry I'm bugging you about this, but you have to know. They guested at this small really sleazy talk show hosted by two people, yesterday. Believe it or not, one host is gay, and the other one is a professional stripper. I hate her.You know what she did? She started coming on to all of them on air. On National TV. Ouch. They crammed all 5 lads into a couch good for only 2 people and so Keith (yes, the one with a nice fat bum) went on the arm of the couch. Then Rose, the hooker, proceeded to touch each lad's hand, explaining that it was a Filipino custom. It's not, believe me. And she isn't even Fiipina. She's half american. And then she said it was a way to determine how hard working a person was. She went from Keith to Mick to Shane to steve. And then she stopped at a very furious looking Ronan. She was making wisecracks in the local dialect, leaving the audience in stitches of laughter. The poor lads couldn't understand a word of what she was saying and poor Mike's face got all scrunched up cos he couldn't get what they were laughing at. I think they all suspected that they were being laughed at so they all got defensive. I hate her. Her name by the way, is Rosanna Roces. The B... Then she said, "Ooh, I like that one" pointing at Ronan. Ronan looked away.  then, the gay guy asked, "Shane! Shane, do you have a snake?"  Shane looks down says, "It died" "A SNAKE?!" Rose says, eyes brightening in interest. Shane looks down at his..erm... crotch, where she is staring. "How long is your snake?" She asks meaningfully. Shane looks at her blankly. Then he gets it. Then he "rides on", saying, "Hey, you can see my snake ANYTIME" and she giggles.  Then the gay goes, "KEith... Keith, it says here that you're hard on the outside but soft on the inside." Keith is still glaring at Rose. Boy (that's the name of the Gay guy) repeats his question and Keith snaps defensively, "Soft Where?!" So Boy repeats his question yet again. Keith nods dismissively, still glaring at her."Inside?" Rose shrieks. "Can I touch your inside?" Mikey is frowning out loud now. Shane is grinning unrepentantly. Well. And then they turn to Ro (wince, wince). They ask, "it says here that your mum was against your joining the band. Why is that?" Ro turns a bit pale.  "me... mam died.. " he mumbles.Steve looks at him sympathetically. "Yeah, but was she against your joining the band?" They persist. how tactless can you get?  Shane's smile turns fake. It looks like he wants to kill them for poor Ronan's sake. That was so cruel. "It interfered with me schooling, an' she didna like that" he continues bravely. I know a lot of us wanted to kill them at that moment. Camz, if you only saw it.They dismiss him and then proceed to Mikey, who is by this time is fuming. Mikey, did you take kickboxing? Tell us about kickboxing!"Boy gushes.Mikey glares at him. "It's a sport." He mutters. "tell us more" they demand. "WEll, it's a sport and I took it 6 years ago." he retorts. Touchy, but he does have a right to his anger. Rose mutters some inane thing about producing a Filipino film with kickboxing in it. What-ever. "Aaaand Stephen! Steve, it says here you're shy and sensitive." Steve is, surprisingly in a good mood. He grins. "Aye." he chirps. "Sensitive? Let me touch your sensitive parts" Rose screams. He smiles that innocent grin of his."But you'll need both your hands to do that." He announces. Rose actually goes over to him and puts her hand on his thigh. Stephen looks absolutely bewildered for an instant.Then, his smile back in place, he erm... sort of... opened his legs. Shane crossed his legs to give room. She pushed them close and squeezed between Steve and Shane. Shaen sort of rolled his eyes. Ronan looked away. he looked like he was either fighting back tears or trying not to kill her. Mikey's hands were clenched. Well...Anyway, they paused for a commercial. Thank God. When the show went back on, there was  the worst performance, ever, of Ronan KEating. He was just yowling into the microphone limply,not even looking at the camera. They were all limp.Except Stephen (probably because you fed him some vodka) who was bouncing all over the place and grinning like an idiot. Ro walked out even before the song finished. The song was All That I Need, by the way. By the last lines,he was out of sight. Shane looked at him, quirked at the audience, and followed. Then Mike then Keith. Then Steo looked at the audience, gave a winning smile, and then said, "God Bless Ye! Bye bye! Thanks Very mooch!" then he left. The two had the impunity to say "They're such snobs!" right after.I was sooo furious.I'll kill her when she's here,don't ya worry