An Explanation of my Notation

I have tried make the songs as comprehensive as possible, but at the same time easy to read. A very good idea is to listen to the song or the ra. files while following the tab, that way you will get a much better understanding of my method of tabbing. I recommend that you print this out and refer to it as your reading the tabs.

Every "-" represents a quarter of a beat (eg. 1 e + a 2 e + a. - more elaborately... 

{3} - means the three beats directly below it is a triplet. (eg. 1TL2TL3TL4TL - 
       more elaborately... 1 Trip-let 2 Trip-let 3 Trip-let 4 Trip-let)

                  ______X times______
when there is... /                   \ "X" represents the number of times those 
bars are played, it does NOT mean play that bar once and then repeat it X 
number of times.

p. - piano (soft)
f. - forte (loud)
mp. - mezzo piano (moderately soft)
mf. - mezzo forte (moderately loud)
c. - crescendo (getting louder - keeps getting louder from where the "c." is written to the end 
                   of the "<" signs).
dc - decrescendo (getting softer - keeps getting softer from where the "dc." is written to the
                   end of the ">" signs).

Cym = Cymbals                                                                         
  ^ - ride cymbal
  ~ - bell of ride cymbal  (the bell of a cymbal is the raised part in the center of it).
  x - hit fully closed hi hat 
  @ - hit loose hihat (used in loud, heavy parts)
  = - close hi hat with foot (also used when hihat is to be choked).
  o - hit open hi hat softly
  + -  hit bell of open hi hat.
  X - crash cymbal  (Dave Grohl often uses the ride cymbal as a crash and also uses two at once
                    so I won't go into the specifics of what ones he used where, it's up to you.)	
  # - splash cymbal

other cymbal stuff..
  Choke - choke the cymbal
  shoulder - this means shoulder the cymbal, this usually only occurs for the hi-hat. Should-
             ering means to play every second hit with more forte. If you don't understand this,
             take a look at the Milk It tab and listen to the song; the shouldering happens in 
             the first bars of the song for example. Another one is to listen to In Bloom, he
            does it in the verses, and if you have a copy of the video clip for it you will 
            notice how he does it.
S   = Snare                                                                                
  * - soft snare hit (also not as ghost note).
  o - normal snare hit
  O - accented snare 
  / - stick across rim
  X - rim shot
  f - flam
  F - accented flam

B   = Bass Drum                                                                      
  0 - normal bass drum hit

(Dave Grohl uses only two toms, a mounted tom and a small tom, so in the songs that he plays I
 have used these...)

MT   = Mounted tom
  o - normal mounted tom hit
  O - accented mounted tom
  f - flam on mounted tom
  F - accented flam on mounted tom

FT    = Floor tom 
  o - normal floor tom hit
  O - accented floor tom
  f - flam on floor tom
  F - accented flam on floor tom     

(Chad Channing used three toms, in the songs that he plays I have used these....)

MT1 = Mounted Tom 1 (the smallest one)
  o - normal small tom hit.
  O - accented small tom
  f  - flam on small tom
  F - accented flam on small tom

MT2 =  Mounted Tom 2
  o - normal medium tom hit.
  O - accented medium tom
  f  - flam on medium tom
  F - accented flam on medium tom

FT    = Floor tom 
  o - normal floor tom hit
  O - accented floor tom
  f - flam on floor tom
  F - accented flam on floor tom     

NOTE: if you have trouble differentiating between "0" and "O", because of your browser then let
me know, thanx.

An simple example with some guidelines.....

       __{one bar}__ 
      /             \
     |               |               |
Cym  X-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-|
FT   --------------------------------|
S    ----o-------o-------o-------o---|
MT   --------------------------------|
B    0-------0-0---0-0---------0-----|
     1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a1  (it can be counted like this).

NOTE: the mounted tom (MT) and floor tom (FT) lines normally wouldn't be in there seeing that 
there is nothing played on them.



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