Here's MY lil RodFan "Maggie"- In front of the sign in Houston that we Altered
Thanks for the joy that you've given me......
I want you to know I believe in your song......
Rhythm, Rhyme & Harmony.....
You've Helped me along..........
Making me Strong!!!
We're only HUMAN
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Hello & Welcome to my site, for those of you who don't know me I'm Liz from New Orleans aka RODFAN68. I am a "Rodaholic" I Just LOVE ROD!! I've been a Rod Stewart Fan all my life, my mom raised me on Rods music and I saw him live for the first time in 1979- I've been a RODAHOLIC ever since.   Rod is a Great SONGWRITER as well as Singer and Performer- He has written well over 200 songs!!  Being a  Rod Stewart Fan is part of who I am- Actually, its "almost" the only music I listen to  besides The Van Dells.  I just can't seem to get enough of Rod -- his music always leaves us (fans) wanting more.  The past few  tours has had such an impact on my life in several ways, I think my Addiction, "Infatuation", Obsession, "Passion",  has become worse because I've found so many friends that share the same "PASSION"  But I say this.....I can't think of a better addiction and I don't want to find a cure!!  Thank You Rod because you've brought  so much more than just MUSIC into my life- You've given me some of the most Precious friendships that I will cherish for a LIFETIME!
MY ADDICTION to Rod's music will always remain a part of who I am - Rod will always remain
IN MY HEART & IN MY SOUL-- you're MY BEST FRIEND-Rod, and My Rod Friends will always remain in my SOUL!!!  Rod You will ALWAYS  be a  friend even though I've never been  blessed with  meeting  you, I feel I know the person you are through your MUSIC & SONGWRITING  I've listened to Rod my entire life & won't stop listening to his music-I turned my children into ROD FANS as well-I've taught them well to Appreciate the ULTIMATE PERFORMER*ROD*!!! I can't think of another performer who gives to thier fans what Rod GIVES!!  ROD- "NOTHING COMPARES TO YOU"-Rod puts his HEART & SOUL into everything he does!! Thank You Rod for touching my life in so many ways..words just can't express.. The Emotion I feel You've All Touched my Heart.....
Rod Friends ARE Family   I Luv Ya, Honey