Welcome To Billy A's

A site dedicated to my favorite guitarists.  There are alot of other cool guitar and music related things here too, so look around!
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My site has been given the ultimate compliment!  It was chosen one of Woobie's Top 5 Sites for February 1999! 

Rember when guitars were called AXEs?  Well, they were, and hence you have the name of my new, happenin' website!
It's no secret that the height of great guitar playing, musicianship and songwriting was in the good old days of the 80s.  Of course there was some good stuff before then, with each decade getting better and better as time went on, for guitar players and fans alike.  It's sad that the 90s have taken a turn for the worse, regarding guitars.  The mainstream, with its alternative shit, has become a 3 chord wonderland, and some of these potheads can barely handle the 3 chords!  Maybe they should spend more time learning how to play the guitar, and less time trying to legalize weed!!  There are actually many great guitar players/bands out there now, they're just not as easily accessible as they were a decade ago.  Needless to say, when looking for the best guitarists of any era, including the 90s, all you have to do is look to Metal!  Not this false metal shit that Korn and Manson and Limp Bizkit play, but real, honest, true Heavy Metal.
As you might have guessed, Metal is my favorite music, along with Classical.  Some of my favorite guitarists are masters at combining Metal and Classical into their guitar styles.  This is something that I've always liked, but have recently become obsessed with.

This site contains some use of profanity.  If that offends you, then PISS OFF!

 All the comments/descriptions that are on this site reflect my opinions and the way I feel about these specific guitarists/bands/types of music.  If you disagree, then you're wrong!  You should agree with me because I know everything.

This is the first web page I've ever done, so cut me some slack man!  If you see anything wrong, such as broken links, or you can't get to a page, etc., please let me know.

Everything I learned about doing a web page comes from my good buddy Craig.  Many thanks to him!!

Enough ramblin'!  Let's get jammin'!!!!!!!!!

Axe - Land opened on 2/16/99

Page Updated On 6/22/99

WHAT'S NEW?  To find what's new, just look for NEW!
-I made some more purchases at the Record Exchange, so there are additions to the album list
-Be sure to check out my entire album list, including every single I have, My complete list of music videos, and My list of off-line guitar tabs. Over 500 tabs!
-Anytime you click on  you'll return to this page

-Pictures of me, someday. The more requests I get from the ladies for my pictures, the faster I'll get them on here!
-A wider variety of cooler backgrounds and graphics, maybe
-An expanded tab section, with on-line transcriptions.  I'm currently working on hard to find tabs, like Tad Morose, Morgana Lefay, Solitude Aeturnus and many of the great newer Power Metal bands
-Updates and additions to the links page
-Any typos, spelling errors, broken links, problems you may find, please notify me






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If you're afraid to sign, look here to see who was brave enough to admit they were at Axe Land

Click here  to email Billy A

Since 4/30/99
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