
Take half a sheet of nori - the glossy side faced downwards. Dip your hands into the water and vinegar mixture. Spread some rice on the sheet, on the left side, keep the corners of the sheet free of rice.

Temaki-zushi has the shape of a cone.
Take a sheet of nori and lightly toast it over a gas burner- low heat. Cut the sheet in halves, following the direction of the lines on the sheet.


Make a gully in the rice from the top left to the bottom right and coat with a little wasabi. Put the other ingredients on the gully in the rice.
Temaki-zushi with trout, pieces of pepper and lettuce.

Temaki-zushi is very suitable for parties. Place rice, nori and other ingredients at the table and let everyone make their own temaki-zushi.

Take the bottom left corner of the nori and fold this over the ingredients. Roll on until you have a cone. If necessary, use some crushed rice grains to make the nori stick.