本文へジャンプ 人名編 

曹操(Cao Cao)は董承(Dong Cheng)の下男の慶童(Quin Quington)から自分を暗殺しようとする謀略の話を聞き、半信半疑ながら医者の吉平(Ji Ping)を病気と偽って試します。吉平の態度に不審を感じた曹操は「自分で毒見をしてみろ」と吉平に迫ります。事が露見し、捕らえられた吉平ですが共謀者が誰かは口を割ろうとしません。吉平の毒殺失敗を契機に、曹操暗殺の連判状にかかわったものはことごとく処刑され、血判を押した劉備(Liu Bei)のいる徐州(Xuzhou)に対して曹操は大軍を向けることとなります。

Ji Ping 吉平 

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、美童


Chapter XXIII: Mi Heng Slips His Garment And Rails At Traitors; Ji Ping Pledges To Kill The Prime Minister.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Soon after this Cao Cao feigned a headache and sent for Ji Ping as usual.

"The rebel is done for," thought Ji Ping, and he made a secret package of poison which he took with him to the palace of the Prime Minister. He found Cao Cao in bed. The patient bade the doctor prepare a potion for him.

"One draught will cure this disease," said Ji Ping.

He bade them bring him a pot, and he prepared the potion in the room. When it had simmered for some time and was half finished, the poison was added, and soon after the physician presented the draught. Cao Cao, knowing it was poisoned, made excuses and would not swallow it.

"You should take it hot," said the doctor. "Then there will be a gentle perspiration, and you will be better."

"You are a scholar," said Cao Cao, sitting up, "and know what is the correct thing to do.When the master is ill and takes drugs, the attendant first tastes them; when a man is ill, his son first tastes the medicine.You are my confidant and should drink first. Then I will swallow the remainder."

"Medicine is to treat disease. What is the use of anyone's tasting it?" said Ji Ping.

But he guessed now the conspiracy had been discovered, so he dashed forward, seized Cao Cao by the ear, and tried to pour the potion down his throat. Cao Cao pushed it away, and it spilt. The bricks upon which it fell were split asunder. Before Cao Cao could speak, his servants had already seized the assailant.

Said Cao Cao, "I am not ill. I only wanted to test you. So you really thought to poison me!"

He sent for a score of sturdy gaolers who carried off the prisoner to the inner apartments to be interrogated. Cao Cao took his seat in a pavilion, and the hapless physician, tightly bound, was thrown to the ground before him. The prisoner maintained a bold front.

Cao Cao said, "I thought you were a physician. How dared you try to poison me? Someone incited you to this crime. If you tell me, I will pardon you."

"You are a rebel. You flout your Prince and injure your betters. The whole empire wishes to kill you. Do you think I am the only one?"

Cao Cao again and again pressed the prisoner to tell what he knew, but he only replied that no one had sent him and it was his own desire.



