Cowboys Cont'd.....
Here are some Florida Boys!!!
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Heres a mighty fine lookin' group!Thats Eddie(FlBullRider) in front & Jimmy right behind him in the middle,Royce to the right & Ben on the end to the right.
This is Joel! He's in Alaska right now but he needs to hurry & get back to Fl. He's one fine lookin' bullfighter!
This is Jimmy...Eddies best friend & yeah blah blah blah my ex....Its frosting ya'll geeeez git your minds outta the gutter!
Heres Eddie(FlBullRider) again! What can I say he's my favorite Pimp...hahaha
This is Kenny!He's one of my best friends!! And yes ladies he's single!!
This is Scott...another one of my best friends in his(My) Toyota!