Here ae some pics of some of my friends...
If you click on any pic it'll take you back to the main page =)
Heather Lindsey
This is Heather...aka AZCowgirl. This girl is the best!!! Luvs ya Heaterhhhhhh This is my sis Lindsey...aka Stang,ain't she a perty lil Peach! And YES  Linds I said PEACH!! haha
This is Rachel...aka CoorsCowgirl,she's such a sweetie!!!!
This is Jeni,she's another sweetie!
This is TwoFeet(and her bro)...haha Now she can't lie & say she's fat & ugly!
People are like stained glass windows,They sparkle & shine when the sun is out,but when the darkness sets in,their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
This is Jackie...aka WAcowgirlup,she's a sweetheart!!!