Here's a set o' my favorite links...
(negaverse related, naturally) 

Info &pics on all 4 generals.Mighty good, i'd say. Though some of the pics in my page R repeated here.
Another shrine for 'em two.. This place is pretty touching.
Kunzite's lair *phew* this person's NUTS about Kunzite. REALLY NUTS.
J'aime's Negaverse Shrine (This place also has the other generals) Hey, this place is good! The authoress's a great BIG Neffy fan, but there's loads of stuff on the other generals too.
Zoisite's Hall of Fame rather detailed...
Demon Wolf's Negaverse some pics & fan art
The Zoicite Fan Club Page.unfortunately, the creator of this page seems to think that Zoey's a SHE!? (contains 2 pics and some words)not recommended.

Search engines dedicated to manga/anime...
mangaseekeryep, i'm listed here too!
Masato's Anime-Manga-Launchbase Also known as the MAML..this isn't really a search engine, just has quite a lot of links.

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