~Oh what a day this has been. I can't believe that I am actually married. Hey look at that, Green Bud Toker finally made it. I guess he actually did get off the weed long enough to read his mail. Look Lito is eyeing up my wife. What a guy. Geez he just doesn't know what to leave alone... Damn people. Leave my wife alone.. She wants me not you guys... Ah well I think some one is trying to talk to me, maybe I should listen.~

*The scene opens up as we see Blayze talking to who we think is a complete stranger, but they are talking as if they are good friends. Blayze gives the man a good handshake and then walks off to find his wife. She is talking to Polar Christofferson. Polar gives her a hug and then as he turns around, he sees Blayze. Polar begins to laugh as Blayze shakes his hand.*

Polar: "Well done man. You finally tied the not. I remember you when you were just a youngster."

Blayze: "Blayze I am only twenty six. Geez man, you make me think I am almost thirty. I don't want to be as old as you. God that would be horrendous. Then I would start getting all those stretch marks and wrinkles like you do."

*Blayze and Polar share a goold laugh as Blayze moves past him and to Lenora. Blayze dips her down and then plants a big kiss on her lips. They hold that pose for a few seconds as the flash from a bunch of camera's can be seen. Blayze lifts her back up and then loks at Lenora. She is a flustered. He face is beginning to lose the lots of red that raced to it. Blayze just hugs her and laughs.*

Blayze: "Ah, My love. This is, but the first day in the rest of our lives. You will now see the world from the perspective of both of us. Come now. We should entertain our guests."

*Blayze and Lenora begin walking around shaking hands with people and laughing along with other people. Although Blayze seems to have a pained look as he looks out the entrance of the hall and sees Marcus O'Hera. Blayze looks and Lenora and kisses her.*

Blayze: "I will be right back... I have to deal with Marcus."

*Blayze begins to walk over at Marcus. Marcus puts up his hands in defense as Blayze gets closer to him. A scared look comes over Marcus. Blayze's right hand begins to form a fist and his right hand and arm begin to pull back, but just as he is about to hit him. Blayze's arm is restrained. Blayze look backs and is about to let go with a left hook, but sees Lito there. Lito just gives him a knowing look and Blayze calms down. Blayz ethen walks over to Marcus, who is now shaking a lot.*

Blayze: "Look Marcus, I don't remember inviting you here, but if you have come for an interview or a promo. On this night. I will have to ask Elric to escort you out the door. With his foor. So why are you here, Marcus?"

Marcus: "I wanted an interview with you. Lito doesn't pay us all that well and I thought that if I could get a interview with you today. That it would increase my earnings as well as being able to get something to eat."

Blayze: "Well you thought wrong!"

*Elric begins to grab at Marcus, but Marcus ducks and throws himself at Blayze's feet.*

Marcus: "Come on Blayze, I need this. PLEASE!"

Blayze picks Marcus up by the collar of his jacket and proceeds to drag him out of the building. When we get out. Blayze places his feet on the ground and then dusts of Marcus' jacket. Marcus looks surprised and then begins to dust himself off as well. Blayz ethen looks at him.*

Blayze: "If I have anotehr wedding ever in MY ENTIRE LIFE. And you do that again.. I will make sure that your entrails spread from the North Pole to the South Pole. You got that Marcus!"

Marcus: "Yeah okay. I just really needed an interview today. And I thought that you would be in a good mood for one."

Blayze: "I was in a good mood until I saw you at the doorway. So I'll make this simple and easy. You have five minutes."

~I can't believe I am letting Marcus have an interview with me. On this of all days. That is just completely insane. I guess I will just grin and bear it for a little while. I don't want my wife to think that I skipped out on this night for an interview. Aww man, why does he have to take so damn long. Geezus Christ, Man I am getting bored. I can barely take this anymore. Oh good we are almost set up... Just a few more seconds. *Marcus calls the cameraman over and they converse for a little bit, then the cameraman sends someone off for a few things. The man comes back with two chairs and a little table. The man sets this impromptu area up and then he counts off three seconds and then the interview starts.*

Marcus: "Good evening folk. I am Marcus O'Hear, from the beautiful home of Blayze Alexander and his new wife Lenora Alexander. So Blayze how do you feel right now.?"

Blayze: "What do you think Marcus? I am on top of the world. I am now married to the most beautiful woman in the world and also I wrestle for the greatest fed in the world. Is there anything else that could be better for me?"

Marcus: "Well that is right, Blayze. You do however have a match this Friday, against a rookie by the name of Kevin Diamond. What are you thoughts of this guy."

Blayze: "Well there isn't really much I can say about him. He has kept a rather low profile since his first promo. Maybe Lito hasn't told him about his match. Or maybe he is too scared to face off against a proven WFW Star. Who knows? I just can't wait to get in the ring with him. I am on Cloud Nine. And there ain't anyone who can bring me down right now."

*Blayze begins to feel a little uncomfortable as he remembers that he is one of the guests of honor. He begins to look around nervously. He then begins to hear the song "Here with Me" by Dido. Blayze then whispers something to Elric and he rushes off to talk to Lenora. Blayze looks up at Marcus.*

Blayze: "Could we move it along here Marcus.. Christ.. I am missing the song that I am supposed to dance with Athena, because you are here. I hope you consider yourself important."

Marcus: "Yes, well, umm. ahh.. Damn it looks liek we are out of time now. Well good luck Blayze. And God Bless."

*Marcus gets out of the seat and begins to run down the road away from the hall. Blayze just shakes his head and slway grabs up the stuff.*

Blayze: "I can't believe he fell for that. Oh well. I guess I get more time now. To speak about Kevin Diamond"

"Kevin, do you really think that you have a chance on Friday. I mean you are facing the Extremist of Hardcore, Blayze Alexander. Do you think that you will cause me to lose my momentum after what has happened tonight and what will happen later. No it ain't gonna happen buddy. You will just be another GOD DAMNED STATISTIC!"

"Prepare to Fade Away.... Into ABSOLUTE DARKNESS "

*Blayze turns away from the camera and begins to head back into the hall the camera follows him for a while, but then stops as the camera slowly fades to black.*

~Damn stupid reporters anyway. Oh well. I guess I can't go one day without them interfering in my life. Now can I? It all justs seems unfair. I never got this much attention before, but now that Lito has called GBT's and my first match Rookie Match of All Time. Everyone wants to talk to me. Why can't they just leave me alone and let me continue with my God Damned Life. Maybe one day I will be able to not have to deal with any reports. I would give anything for one day without a damn reporter coming to hassle me about this match and that match. And what Lito said. Geezus, please just one day. That is all I ask.~