How about some politics? BEWARE, thinking may be required. |
My E-mail: If you are a shyer creature or simply afraid that a less than enlightened human may view my guestbook and thereby know your secret real identity, please, send me an email. In case you have been here too long and don't remember, I do have a reminder for you: Humans cannot see what they do not understand. Most humans fear what they do not understand and therefore, they just simply block it out entirely or they make up something and think they are right (being "right" is VERY important to humans, comically so, because they are so often wrong!). It is really quite amazing.! If you have been here too long and have NO idea what I am talking about, then, I do apologize and nevermind. |
Welcome all Magical Creatures! Take a break, I am sure you need it if you are anything like me and tire of living with these humans. Enjoy the sights and rest awhile! All are welcome here: Faeries, Elves, Dragons, Unicorns, Mermaids, etc. and even humans (enlightened ones only, please!). |
I was not always in this form. I used to be much smaller, lighter and I had wings. I really miss my wings. How was I to know that I would have to sacrifice flight? I miss my previous form for many other reasons, not only because I can no longer fly. This body just does not work like my Faery form did. It's big and heavy and so very clumsy. You cannot imagine how many bruises I have aquired since first taking on this shape! My Faery form was very tiny. I cannot tell you how tiny I was, that is frowned upon, and it hurts ever so much to be frowned upon (especially if it is a troll that is frowning upon you! Ouch!). I cannot tell you what type of Faery I am, either. That is most definitely FORBIDDEN. Then again, perhaps I will tell you. I simply LOVE the forbidden. The very word conjures up a fun tingely sin-sation in my belly...yum, forbidden. Of course, it was forbidden for me to shapeshift into this human body...did that stop me? No, I am afraid it did not. And here I am. What's that? You didn't know Faeries could shapeshift!? Humph, don't know much, do ya? If you are a mortal...well, sad to say, most know very little of the mystical and otherworldly. On the other hand, if you are a Magical Creature and you didn't know that Faeries are some of the BEST shapeshifters around...well, YOU should be ashamed. Unless of course, you just simply forgot. Being stuck in these human bodies can do that to you. Forgetting is one of the biggest drawbacks to being in human form!! Don't get me wrong, there are a few advantages to being stuck in this human body. I no longer have to do what the Faery Council tells me to do. That is a BIG plus. Although human laws can be just as tiresome, no one is really watching you. There is no human magistrate viewing your every move in a Great Crystal Viewer. Oh sure, you humans have television, but it is not nearly as advanced as the Great Crystal Viewer. You guys get away with all sorts of awful behavior! Oh yes, and some of you humans go to church and you imagine that there is this great old guy in the sky watching your every move. Though you people will not believe me, I will let you in on a secret; there is no great old guy up above watching your every move! Wake up, please. Then there is that growing number of humans (who have always exsisted, I'm afraid) that think that this great old guy has somehow chosen you for a "mission." All I can say to you out there is "Yikes!". Humorous indeed! These poor misguided beings make all sorts of trouble for others and actually believe that they are chosen for these "missions!" These people really believe that this great old guy in the sky has asked you to judge your fellow humans, take away someone's freedom, or worse yet, their lives. Let me tell you, if there was a great guy in the sky, he would not ask you to do that!! In fact, I think he would be quite pissed at your doing these things in his name! Mission, indeed! It seems to me more of an anti-mission.Then again, I am merely an observer here and not an expert by any means. I suppose I should be happy here in this human form, there is no magistrate watching my every move. I do not have to account for my actions, unless of course I am at work. At work one must prove oneself worthy of a small, but important thing called a "paycheck." A very interesting custom, "paycheck." Humans, unlike Magical Creatures, work for this thing called a "paycheck." You see, humans do not do work because it is simply necessary, therefore one must do it. Nope, they do it for this "paycheck." In the Faery world, you do what needs to be done. If someone needs help, you help them. You just do it. No "paycheck" is involved. It is just simply not as fun here!! Here all everyone wants to do is work, work, work...and you are all so lonely and yet, so frightened of one another. It is all very sad. You DO have ice cream...but that can only make up for a certain amount of woe. And I do really miss flying... I did wish to experience the adventure of this human world, as it appeared that it would be very interesting. Yes, well, it IS interesting and (for the most part!) quite amusing! So, here I am and I'm afraid I have no one to blame for this dilemma but myself. DAMN. |
Merry, Merry Meet & Brightest Blessings! (yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah) |
Please sign my guestbook, I promise I have interesting questions for you! I also pledge, your secret is safe with me... |
Cool and Unusual Music Links: |
Ultra Cool, Ultra Unusual: (plus, she is a friend of mine, so, be very nice...or else) |
Rantings, ravings, and further taste of my lunacy... Take a Walk on the Darkside... |
Find out what lies beneath your surface and take the quiz. What lies beneath my surface? A Gold Dragon... |
Love Dragons? What's not to love? Below you will find a link for some great Dragon fun.... |
fjlak |
© 2002 Tarryfail The words on these webpages may not be copied, or used, without the express permission of the author. The words written within these pages remain the sole property of the author. Please, don't infringe. It will only create bad karma for yourself. |
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fjlak |