Anime for Beginners
When did Anime Start?
Why is Anime Different?
Artistic Style
What can you Learn?
What to keep in mind
How to try Anime
Anime Resources

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Japanese Animation, or Anime, has become a craze that's sweeping the nation.  Not only are more and more shows available, but more and more people are watching and clamoring for more of this strange artform.  When did it start?  What makes it so different?  Why would you want to watch?

There's certainly more to anime than Speed Racer, Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh.  Here you can find all you need to know to get started on your way to Otakuism (more on what that is later) as well as how to start indulging yourself in this lovely artform.
Chii and friends welcome you to the world of Anime!
Chii and friends welcome you to the world of Anime!