Issue 5 Page 1

Issue 5

June 2002

From the Editor

Views expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual contributors and are not necessarily endorsed by any group or by the Australian Lung Foundation. This newsletter appears in June and November and is also published on the web at Your photos, opinion, comments and contributions are welcomed. Please address them to The Editor, Edith Kerr, 4 Humphrey St, Waverley 7250 (enclose stamped addressed envelope if you want materials returned) or email : Deadline for next issue is 30/10/2002.

In this Issue:


ALF Head Office: PO Box 847, Lutwyche, QLD 4030
                     Phone 1800 654 301 Fax 07 3357 6988
Statewide : Statewide Co-ordinator Kathleen Burgess 63487111
L.I.P.S. : Steve & Doreen Whitton 6425 5836
L.U.S.T. : Val & Laurie Shipp 6326 1904
S.T.A.R.S.: Gael Bradney 6229 2982

When you can't breathe, nothing else matters TM

Issue 5 Page 1