logo Sea Dragon Video now on DVD
Seadragon's lair: threats to fish habitat

 - The video released in May 2003 by the Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association Inc. is now also available on DVD format.

Dive in and immerse yourself in the realm of the enchanting seadragon.

  This video will entice you into fragile world of one of Tasmania’s marine wonders, and open your eyes to the threats that they face.

Be entranced, be concerned …….…

and be their friend! 

 This educational and informative video is considered essential viewing for primary and lower secondary students throughout Tasmania, as well as anyone else who is interested in learning more about sea dragons, their life history and their relationship with our fragile coastal environment.

 Borrow a copy from the Tasmanian Department of Education Library, or from the Tasmanian Environment Centre, Hobart.
Or purchase the DVD for $15 (also includes Marine Ed slides) from:

  The Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association,
c/o 191 Liverpool St
, Hobart, 7000 

Photography: Graeme Collins

Production and Text:
Jane Elek

Adele Fletcher

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