Field Guide
BETWEEN TASMANIAN TIDELINES has sold over 1000 copies and is now in its second edition.

This book illustrates and describes over 200 of the plants and animals commonly found washed up on Tasmanian beaches and on rocky shores at low tide, as well as other southern Australian shores. 

It is written in plain English and intended to help non-specialists and children learn more about our marine environment. The plants and animals are illustrated with beautiful black and white drawings that can be photo-copied for educational purposes.

Click on the book image to link to a sample page; click the Back arrow to return here

It includes an index of common and scientific names and glossary of any scientific terms.

Biscuit seastar, Tosia australis 

The field guide was produced with the help of funding from the Tasmanian Recreational Fishing Association.

Buy your copy now!

Only $13 plus postage from the Association, or at a retail price from the Tasmanian Environment Centre, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery shop, Queen Victoria Museum and other bookshops in Hobart and Launceston. 


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