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What are the benefits
of membership?

Pagan Alliance Tas sends regular newsletters to its members, informing them of local events and workshops, and helps to provide contact with various Pagan groups. We also have monthly Pagan Pub Moots in the South of Tasmania and regularly have various social occasions all over the State.

Through this network of publications and events, you will learn more about Paganism and its various paths, while having the opportunity to connect with others of like mind. And by becoming a member of Pagan Alliance Tas, you will also be helping to contribute to the education of the wider community about Pagan issues.

How much does it cost?

Annual membership commences on the first of June, and costs $8 for single membership and $12 for joint membership.

Each season costs approximately $2 .
If you join for a full year June - June $8.
If you join in Spring, September - Dec $6.
If you join in Summer, Dec - Mar $4 
If you join in Autumn, Mar - June $2 
Joint Membership $12.00 p.a

Or you can join 1 year in advance e.g:
If you join Sept 2004 until June 2006 year $14
If you join Dec 2004 until June 2006 year $12
If you join Mar 2005 until June 2006 year $10

Membership Form html

Membership Form pdf

Talk to the Tas State Coordinator should you require further advice on your options. You can find contact details for all State Coordinators (and newsletter editors) Australia-wide by clicking on Contact Us.