Avoiding a twisted picot

From: "Ray L. Moyer"
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 01:05:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Tatting question
Please do not duplicate without permission from rlm@pottsville.infi.net

Carole wrote:
I'm back with another tatting question. When I join the last ring of a round to the beginning, how can I avoid a twisted picot? I have been "folding" the beginning of the tatting over and inserting the hook into the picot from the top (what was the back of the lace before "folding" it over). The ring draws up neatly and the finished lace lays nicely, but on close inspection that last join has a twisted picot. What's the remedy?

There are 2 ways to remedy the situation.

1. Insert the hook into the picot from the bottom (what was the front of the lace before "folding"it over) and twist the picot and shuttle so that the shuttle is point down to complete the join.

2. Instead of folding the work over so that the back (or Wrong Side) of the beginning is in place to join, bring the front (or Right Side) of the beginning of the round into place to join. This is the method I usually use, but it may be very awkward to complete the join in very small rounds. All working threads have to be above or below the piece. After bringing the picot into place to join, you may be able to fold the finished work out of the way to complete the join.

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