Tatters of the World...Unite
Tatting Is KNOT A Lost Art




This is to verify that _________________ of e-tatters and/or TatChat and/or Rings'N'Chains is an official member of (NATA), Nuts About Tatting Association, and promises to uphold the the ancient art of tatting and to pass on such knowledge to whomever (s)he can persuade to pick up a shuttle or tatting needle.

By all means, post this on your website if you choose. Many thanks to Noelene for writing it.


(To be sung to the tune of "Coming Thru the Rye)
Everybody teach somebody
How to make the knot
And then the lost art's found again
Ne'er to be forgot!

Thanks Fran.


This is courtesy of Mark AKA TATMAN.
He is also responsible for the cute tatting squirrel on our front page.

We have Mark's permission to copy this card and print it. I intend to glue it to the back of my *official* numbered card To copy and save this image, right click on it, select save image and GRIN... remember where you put it. Be sure to check the size before printing...(I have had visions of someone pulling out a card and unfolding it before handing it to someone)GRIN.

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