Student Information Sheet

Cut all Information Below Cut_here,

Paste into your mail program, fill in missing information
and mail from e-mail account you will be using for course.

On all e-mails sent to me, make sure you start the subject line with the course

name either cs111 or cs112 Cs111, for this subject line should read CS111 Questionnaire



Questionnaire Name:

E-mail (Same as one your are mailing from):

How often do you check your e-mail?


How often do you access the web?


Can I use the web for posting homework assignments and lecture programming examples?

Should I make copies of these instead?

Office Phone:
Job Title (list Student if applicable):

Prior Computer Related Courses:


If you took CS111, when, which instructor, last chapter covered?


Prior Programming Language Experience:

Reasons for Taking Course? (Work, CS Major, etc)

Are you looking to transfer to a 4-Year CS Program (if so which school and when)


Please indicate any information I should know about (e.g., Health, etc)


Other Comments